Saturday, February 28, 2009

The end of the shortest month of the year.

Hey again!, welcome to (read the blog title)! I suppose some of you might be wondering, why there isn't any new updates? Is that four-eyes geek quit this blogging business(not an actual business but is a lot of work and time[for the pages to get upload])? Well you see, when you looking at this, you knew the answer.

The last day of February, where the "-Uary" brothers done their job in the calendars in 2009. It does not have any different, only some days you write the number three twice when writing the date.

Talk about end, today, once again, i don't want to talk much, enjoy the pages if you can, shut up for the "not suppose to exist details". Have a good March.

P/s: This is another short and less pages post.

I'll add more pages next time.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


This is a rose i drew by MS paint (It is not from the Internet.)to wish this cherished moment to the couples who is now obviously dating or some of them just said:" i do." right now when you are reading this at valentine's day.

How would you spent this day, more importantly WHOM would you spent this day with? Or some of you are still young and just sitting in front of technology gadget like me sitting in front of a computer doing nothing but surfing and keyboard pressing, a so-called 宅男 (Some kind of low level geek/nerd.) life to spent this day? Or imagining a unimaginable expectation at the white valentine? Who knows? Maybe you. Ha ha.

Badminton, one of the famous and favorite game of Asians. Wondering what do you think about it? A net, two rackets, a shuttlecock, whacking it from court to court? The only sport Europe could win it with Denmark? Oh, c' Mon! I just want to find something to type. Speak out your thoughts with buttons.

Blogs is a kind of open space thoughts expression(i think). If blogs with videos or videos as blog is called vlogs, wondering mine was called clog? Blog with only pictures called Plog? Blog with funny stuffs called Flog? What about .... oh forget it!

What is the first sight of you to your friends? A geek/nerd? A handsome? A hunchback? A guy with sight of leadership? A maniac? A online gamer like him/her? A girlish guy? A "dun-land-a-finger-on-me" face? A clown face? A lonely person that sit at the corner drawing circles?

What is the thoughts of your friend after knowing you for a year? You are not really a geek? You are handsome in the outside (you'll continue the next sentence)? Only a guy with backaches? The sight of leadership is truly your inner emotions (or not)? An idiot? Just a computer expert? A girlish face manly guy? A muscle bound bottle head? A clown face with no sense of humor? Or a circle drawing expert? Or you are good with something but you just don't want to show it to your friends until it is emergency?

Green words is me! But I've some geek DNA inside, don't know why i think of this.

Well my words is going to be end. Enjoy my non-title comics as you staring this through your eyes. Just to introduce the next chapter is coming and hopefully you didn't missed the wacky weird story with more weird sport rules in Chapter 10! The dragon warrior tournament begins! Bless my only over hundred pages creation.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Back for more!

Hey! Welcome back to MY INKED PAGE, where every moment you are staring at this makes you want stick out your second, third and fourth finger, and place it at the side of your head and mve your hand from above to the bottom.

Like this: -_- !!! Sweat...................

As you could see, the picture beside this paragraph is smaller than before. This is what happen when everything goes wrong, protect your computer, this is a kind advice.

Stomp the yard, a band that is mixed with two types of color. Using their stupendous co-operation and incredible eyeballs falling kind of rhythm senses, it is quite amazing what you can do with music from junk from the Big Apple instead of ordinary instruments. This band is introduce by my music teacher, she found that album for quite long time. Well, when i was watching it during music class, i kind of heard somebody laughing "quietly", Maybe it is a little funny bone tickler in it, but hey! Different mind, different thoughts! How about you?

And somebody thinks it is noisy "junk" music.

Today is the last day of CNY, the 15th day of lunar January. It is not much but another normal day and also a start to let our elders to say: " The CNY is over, time to prepare to learn learn read read write write and memorize memorize, chap chap!"

This post has only 5 pages, and this well be the next post pages total. Thank you, for your supports cause my blog' s visitors total boost. I probably don't want to talk about it again.

P/s: 2 B continued...............................