Saturday, January 30, 2010

There goes January.....

Ever play football? Of course you did! What kind of it? You said playing football has kinds? I say it does! Like the ones below:

  • Only for entertainment.
  • Only for body building.
  • Only because there were out of basketball courts.
  • Played by a lot of people but stinks with it.
  • Played by a lot of people but only two of them knew the rules.
  • Played by pros.
  • For entertaining first but became a training later.
Wednesday, ten of the eleven boys of my class miraculously attended the football invitation by one of us who was known with his football skills. (Why miraculously? Cause commonly some of them were busy. )
Well I thought it will be just like a plain old football kicking in the field. But two of them who was good with it looked like they are trying to train us for some competition in the future.
The one hour footballing wasn't bad, cause those who trained us wasn't some other guys who nags about rules during the kicking. (That kind of person is DESPICABLE.... )

Of course, it is the ten of us, among us there will be one who is brave enough to take out a CAMERA from his pocket when he was a player! It is very dangerous while there's other players with AIRPLANE'S HUNTER FOOT* among us.

* With incredible foot power, someday whatever it kicked will drag down a plane. Seriously, you do not want to bull's-eyed by him.

Speaking of cameras. The first of the week i almost got psyched by our teacher.

It all started when one of the girls had been performed operation "Make your friend become a person with witch hairdo".
How to make one of your friends became just like that?
  1. First, make sure your victim has long hair and was tied up all the time.
  2. Then make sure your victim doesn't get mad or psycho easily.
  3. Make sure her face will look funny after the prank. (More 三八 is also acceptable)
  4. Prepared a camera to capture the moment.
  5. Someone has to be the soon-to-be-scold cameraman.
  6. Take off the hairband of hers and snapped it.
The whole process was performed by the diabolic girls in my class, i was supposed to be an audience which should be fine 5 minutes later. To bad i was affected by the Wacky aura, so i pick up my friend's camera and snapped N photos.

Like i said, coincidence sometimes comes it the wrong time. And that happens when the teacher got in. Obviously, we were scolded, and the photos were deleted. (It was gonna be deleted anyway, who wants weird pictures in their cameras? Not me.) And the whole Edison XXXXXXX was brought out for 20 minutes.

The good thing is, nobody got mentally hurt or anything. But advice for everyone, NEVER involved in girls psychotic pranks. Whatever they did will get ugly in the end. (Okay, boys' pranks end up uglier.)

My mom likes to bake. Few years ago when we were young, we liked mom's pineapple tarts so much that we enjoy eating it during every CNY.
So my mom think of starting a business for it.
This year, mom is gonna start it again. Without workers for the bookings, my sister and i substituted it. (Mostly my sister. )

Today, we were making Almond cookies, made from the egg whites left by the making of the tarts.
And the end of the work, we decided to make some special version of them. And the cookies were made, into the shapes below:
  • A star
  • A heart
  • A almond-cookie-man
  • A spoon
  • A mug
We took so wacky photos of it. If i got the chance, i may post it.

P/s: I know the guy in the last page wasn't handsome enough, but please forgive my skill.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hey guys! once again, i m back!!!

Have you ever been a "KeyMan" before? A "KeyMan" is a position who protects and keep the key of the classroom. If anything stolen from the class, it will be the "KeyMan"'s responsibility. Unless the classroom has nothing to steal, that would be nothing to be afraid or worry of. Here's a list of KEYMEN: (I only list out the guys i knew.)

J1X: 谢承志
J2Z: 陈政宇
J3Z: me.....

The bad thing about KeyMan is, you have stay at the classroom till everybody got out. Which will occur about 20 minutes till then. The dancing club's girls are very harsh..... Even though some of them aren't, but those who was never a dancing gals, they would use such golden age for the homework disposal, know what i meant?

Which i will end up waiting, but sometimes they will share some gossips with the people whose stayed in the class. So it isn't so bad at all. Well, for sometimes only.

I have bad teeth, as everyone knew, clouded and yellowish, (It is not that i smoke.) bad habits, that will explain everything. So this Wednesday, my mom took me to Malaya University (Dental Branch, a cheaper place for teeth and wallet.) for a filling treatment. As usual, I will gave the classroom key to one of my friends.

You know what happened? (Of course you don't.) My friend went for badminton, so i gave the key to his roommate.

According to the Law of Coincidence. Coincidence happens coincidentally, it will happen unexpectedly. It is been classified to two classes.
  • Coincidence that comes in the right time.
  • Coincidence that comes in the wrong time.
So, the key i threw COINCIDENTALLY (Just how many times did i type this word?) flew in a perfect arch and landed on the cement floor, with the right type of surface, it slides. With the right thickness and smoothness, it slides all the way under the cupboard.

I didn't know about of the coincidentally cause i walk straight off right after the threw. What happened to the key, i don't know. Until my friend told me about my awful accuracy.

That awful accuracy causing about 20++ classmate stuck outside the class for half an hour. HAHA, i was complained because of that.

I explained everything on FACEBOOK. But it seems no effects. Oh well, as long as nobody hates me.The photo was downloaded from a friend folder. (DON'T CARE WHO THE HELL IN IT!!)
It seems to be a computer class from everyone school life. But look carefully what's on the screen.
You guessed right! 30++ of my classmates facebooking during class. Why would this happen? Cause our teacher gave us a homework which needed Internet explorer for resources.

"Opportunity! Chance! Press F-A-C-E-B-O-O-K-.-C-O-M & Enter! Log in! Barn Buddy! Chatbox! Unaccurate and apple-polishing psycho test! "(Cause i am the top of the resulf of 'the most handsome guy among your friends' of my friend!!) That's what everybody thinking in the moment the Internet was opened. Sneaky, guys, sneaky!

The best thing is, our teacher said: "If you want facebooking, keep it down." God bless you, Madam Ou!! How kind she was!!

So everyone finish their work fast and continue the facebooking till the bell rings.

Yesterday, i found out my friend said it wasn't special anymore since her school did too. Darn it, i thought i could show off with this!

One more guy to be blessed!
The guy who made our one and only official class site. With the purpose to share resource for UEC project making. Obviously, it would be boring if a website has no photos. So he place some for it, and the same for the official facebook.

One of them were a girl looking at a pink laptop. With an odd smile on her face, let's say evil laugh?

I teased about that in the comment box. I didn't said anything about the character i metaphor about the photo. But i will totally get killed for that since she saw it last night.

Let's just hope i'll be safe next week! HAHA!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

When good things got doubled, there definitely won't be trouble.

Finally i got my thumbdrive back and you guys can finally see some girls with ammo. Ya know, this little piece of memory was once a liar's bomb. The AVIRA of this computer i am using detected some Trojans and i was afraid it is from the thumb drive. And so, i gave CHI my thumb drive for virus scanning before everything goes wrong. By the record, he read all the pages in the drive so no surprise for him anymore, well, except the last chapter, i haven't scan it. What a relief, nothing goes wrong with that piece of memory.

Advice: Protect your electronic stuff like thumb drive as it was your blood and flesh, try not to get some digital wooden horse in it.

Speaking of comics, there's one thing i need to announce:
I, 1L2O1J2U2N1Y1A (I know this is a stupid user name, please get use to it.)
FINALLY FINISH A 300~310 PAGES NAMELESS COMIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(The actual data wasn't confirmed, but at least it is over 300.)

A few weeks ago, i wrote about something B.O.N which i don't think some of you remembered it but i did. Do ya know what is B.O.N? No? Here's the answer:

One Piece
(So easy, isn't it? How can't ya guys give up?)

There all have few things in common;
They're long;
They're famous all over the world;
They're good at the first but nothing new in the middle, though still get fans;
They're liked by my friends;
They're disliked by me......

Conclusion: I am addicted to mangas and comics but i ain't addicted to its fame, only the ones that interesting.

January 13th is an important day for all societies, cause it is the yearly
What is a SF? According to the OX-WHATITMEANS2ME-FORD dictionary, it is a affair where you can
-collect useless bookmarks,
-pulled for no reason,
-see student promoters speaking lies to get members.

Guess what? I switched societies, (Teacher's advice: don't switch too often unless you don't care whats on the co-curriculum space on your report card.)

Leaving art society, i decided to switch to photographing society. And as for the sports apartment, lets just say the DIZZY IZZY incident just happened again. Okay, fine, track sports.

Conclusion: Ya know what's the differences between the two society above? Well, besides the boredom. Is that they all creating colored optical scenery for frames, but they are different for the 4th dimension condition, Time. If i am bored for a place with nothing new and inactive, then switch to a place where you actually creating something, and only more active. (The MORE meant little bit.)

As you know i am fifteen, and i am a independence school student who has two future changing examinations coming, obviously i am talking about the one that doesn't cared by our government yet, UEC.

Like PMR, (The government examination.) we have eight subjects. But as for UEC, we can choose the art exam freely. (Unlike some exam i will be taking 2 years later. What can you say? Our education has been politically intercept.) And here's my answer, i disexam art. So, the comment below was granted:
"傻的, 做莫不拿?"

Of course, no, no, and no. I just don't want to take that subject. If we don't need a reason to be nice to others, then i don't need a reason to explain anything i done.

Conclusion: This is just a speak-up, i have nothing to say more about it.


Some guy with glasses said something above.
I admired my three sisters for their achievement and thoughts.
They have something in common:
  1. They were all females. (Duh!!!)
  2. They are my sister.
  3. They got superb results.
  4. They were graduated from the same school. (SMK Catholic)
  5. They were once the leader of Chinese orchestra during their period.
  6. Most importantly, they have guts and brains.
When i say brains, i didn't meant their IQ, (And yes, they are quite high.) I meant their ways of thoughts.

My eldest sis once set one foot on the window frame while crying. Now she has set two feet on the world traveling, without paying anything.

My second sis was sworn never use a sen from dad to buy anything or use anything. Now, she kept her swear. She is studying something about global study and she get many scholarships to pay what she does.

My third sis though hasn't choose any college yet. But she recovered and think properly from the quarrel for only two hours. (Others need at least 2 days for that.)

Conclusion: Dad and mom always love us, it doesn't matter how they show it, what it matters is how we know it.

Okay, enough with the family stuff. Let's move on.

Friends... Ahh..... What a meaningful word, at the same time, it is a meaningless word. Why? Because you don't need anything just to be friends, no contracts, no conditions, no need to get through everything together, (that's for couples.) The only we need is friendship, respect, and laughs.

There is a song about it by Flight of The Concords. (Some group you never heard of.)

One day, i realized something while chatting with my mom.

What is it?
  1. Fake friends needs reason to speak with you, true friends don't;
  2. Fake friends stays with you because you have special talents, true friends stays with you cause you're his/her friend;
  3. Fake friends doesn't speaks to you for a week or a month just because you and him/her quarreled for something minor, true friends quarrels, but forget about it the next hour;
  4. Fake friends use your secret to blackmail you, true friends kept your secret by forgetting it;
  5. Fake friends comes to you in a certain of time, true friends comes to you whenever you like;
  6. Fake friends needed 1 minutes to know they should shut up, true friends knew he/she should stop the moment he/she meet you;
  7. I am ignored not because i am non-noticeable, it is because i don't need that kind of noticing for living;
  8. Ignorance isn't bad at all, you can know everything with no conditions.
Speak-up: I may not be a true friend to some of you, but at least i am recognizable to everyone of you.

Okay, let's chat about something else, shall we?

Blogs, i said that a year ago, it is a space you share everyday stuff together.
There's a trend of blogging.
They keep 'enter' just to make everything looks long.
Like this.
Some of them write just like essay homework,
Standard and perfect,
Some of them are poets,
I wondered,
We are only teenagers and our lives so profound?
It is like within 15 years,
We been through so much...... (Too much drama?)

Finalize: I don't have the rights to stop you blogging like this, all i need is an explanation for sentence 10th in the paragraph above. (Because it is fun isn't a reason.)

I am a half Otaku, so i am addicted to Kamen Riders, i am sure i said that before. Thanks to YouTube kind and handsome uploaders, I get to watch


for free.

And you know what? IT SUCKS.
Everything was not explain fully. The stuff i was hoping was not specified, and what's with the sudden appearanc
e of characters in the fight?

Conclusion: This movie reminds me of our "G" force, a big tank that shoot BB bullets.


What a LONG post, it contains two weeks. It is not because i won't be here for next week. It is just because i have a lot of time.

Why i can make such post? Thanks to notepad, i won't be forgetting the stuff i wanted to type.

HAHA, Still, i need to take a rest from typing. So.....


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Forgotten pendrive cause the delay of a post.

For those of you who have a blog and wasn't graduated yet, most of you probably wrote a post for the back-to-school stuff....

When we were 15, it will be a tough year for us, cause the exams keeps coming, the bloggers kept gambateh-ING, the knowledge will be keep updating, the mates keep fooling around, and the teacher kept making us remember them.

The first week of the school days, memorable stuff list below:
  • Everyone doesn't change much, guys who is talkative kept blah-ing, gals who is three eight will kept gossiping.
  • New classmates, either from the neighbour class, or cross-states. Double silents, hope they don't stay like this till the end of the year...
  • New teachers to get along with, and new books to get over with.
  • Monitors and the others committee's members were picked. Of course, when one got pick for a position for two years and nothing disastrous happen, third year will come.
  • When one not even know who's who and got picked as a vice monitor, one will denied it and and the other unlucky person will get picked..... The worst thing is, there were no excuse left.
  • People who dropped dying to get back up, people who got up dying to drop back down.
  • People who deserved to rise decide to stay in place, forming over-packed.
  • Dilemma made even for color decisions for the classroom.
  • Because of AVATAR, making your hands blue with paint became a trend.
  • When there's students who volunteer for paint work, there will be student who volunteer for photograph work.
  • Either the Form threes are getting taller, or the Form ones are getting shorter. WHICH worries us.
  • Like United Nation, when the bridges crushed, every path will be hard to be completed, like the path from your classroom to the teacher's office.
  • When time changed, roaring like crazy monkey to your younger hostel-mates who you are supervising not pisses them off, you get pisses by the seniors you don't know.
  • When we are facing UEC or PMR, teachers don't teach you knowledge anymore. Instead, taught you the tactics to take a test.
  • Never borrow any textbook to anyone unless you got your name on it or you got your borrowers life contract on it, just to prevent it from stolen.
  • Don't run while you are finding your teacher who was minutes late. Cause everything in your mind will blanked temporarily when you saw him/her stand in your classroom.
I am sure you won't waste your time on this. But at least read a few of them. Or you will just came here for nothing.

Next post: obviously the comics pages will be back.
p/s: I think my pendrive was infected by virus. It could be Trojan.