Saturday, May 28, 2011

To students, holidays are holy days. Maybe this is the word's origin.

The thing i like about my school is that they always have the mid-term or end-term examinations before a spider-web-weaving holidays. When we were through with our papers as well as our blue pens, we're done. Our mission is completed. Only a few days left for us for relaxation before the real deal come.

But our school's teacher were known for their high efficiency. They can finish the markings before you say Mary Poppins' famous phrase and i am not going type it out since i am not a spelling bee. According to the fastest records, some teachers can finish their work right after the day you finished yours. Why? Because they're not going to let you have a good holiday. I'm just kidding, but seriously, they are like Dominic Torretto and Brian O'conner, FAST & FURIOUS.

I supposed you must be wondering how's my result after the long rest on blogger just for my exams. (You're not?) I still going to tell you, it ends well, well, for most of the subjects. But i am not going to review the marks.

Because this will lead to markism. (You must be saying, there's no such word, not in the dictionary. Language is a creation, so i create a part for it.)

Markism, according to my dictionary, well, you got the idea, when MARK was combined with ISM, it is a serious phenomena. Our country's students were famed with three bad habits
  1. Markism
  2. Racism, mostly on Chinese, and i felt ashamed about that.
  3. Visualization. In French, FAZIBUKASHION, they added a ZIBUK between Fashion.
Markism was listed first because it was pinned on our heads many generations ago. (Yeah, i said OUR, that means i have one too.) Sure, marks for rating the grades shows our acknowledgment about the subjects, the motivated and pushed the students from failing the next time and waste another 31536000 seconds learning or doing the same things. And competitions made a better student.

But when a student starting to ask a teacher like this:
"How much will occupy our total marks in our test?"
"How much does it effect our report card's average?"
"Will this be on the next paper?"
"Well, the subject only have one period per week so i might as well leave it aside."
"Teacher, can you please give us easy questions?"
"Why did you deduct my marks? "
Does the percentages really worked out fully?

Of course you'll say, everything has its benefits and its disadvantages, you can expect it more.
I knew that, i wrote that a thousand times when it comes to the essay titled "The advantages and Disadvantage of Facebook/Internet/Google/Emails/Comic/Online Games/Love Novels/Drama/Movies/Cartoons/Anime/Mahjongs/(Everything we liked besides reading classics novel or encyclopedia.)" We always end it with "(Object) has it Advantages and Disadvantages. We should use it wisely/dengan bijaksana or it will become a harmful thing to us."

The generation's desire of learning is decreasing, (Since a certain percentage of them thought they knew it all, but when Wikipedia is growing, they don't.) most of the learners cares more about the marks and periods. But i wondered.

Does the certificates list out like this?
XXXXXX subject --- E, but this subject only have 1 period in the candidate's school, so you (Universities) don't need to concern too much about the E.
XXXXXX subject --- A, it has 7 periods per week in the candidate's school! Accept him!

Wow, what a personified certificate. I wish i got one of these.

Knowledge never ends. And you care only about the marks and the knowledge, how will you face your own child?
"Daddy, can you teach me (subject)?"
"Of course, i once score 93.5 for it."
{Ten minutes later}
"I don't know, since when they changed the formats?"

I pity the next generation, don't make me do that.

Racism as i said it was a little Hitler's bug on our nations. A few weeks ago, a case of school bullying shocked the country. (I know some of you from different country might don't think it is serious, but hey, school is our second home and this is like robbed in our own house.) I was furious for that bully, that (Fill in the blanks with female dog's name.) haven't even met the society and she thought she's the boss. Talk about pre-fermented wine.

But i am talking the aftermath, FAZIBUKASHION, protesting groups rose up like the ones in PLANT VS ZOMBIES. Fine, i can understand the hatreds, but one of the group just mentioned such sentence repeatedly in the info zone.

"Protest against school bullying. Only Chinese bullies Malays, Chinese bullies Chinese is unbearable!"(Translated)

Talk about Hitler's bug. This guy or gal needs know my comments, "You have no differences with the packs of dogs that woofs for areas. (Bark! this is my territory! [Beep] off from the place! Bark!)" Anyone who knows the creator of the group, pass it around his/her ears.

As you learn science, ladybirds were separated to two main species, 7 dots and 28 dots. 7 dots are beneficial insects for farmers. (That's humanity's prides, what's good for us is good. ) 28 dots aren't since they are herbivorous. (When you don't know about this, read some other books than buku rujukan!)

In a human race, they're always some 28 dots ladybirds.But it doesn't meant the 7 dotted do not exist. There are no definition for a race to be all bad or good. There are certain percentages only. So if you thought about other race like a racist, think how they will think about us.

Have i gone too far? Or did you scrolled too fast?
This is might be boring discussion but i am one of my generations too, i express my thoughts through keyboards, since no speech competitions allow us to talk like this.

Congratulations! to my sis who just graduated! I am proud for you as a little brother.

This is the results of resting to much on blogger. I forced myself to save up the things i wanna say.

As the phenomena always goes on. We always think about why we take exams and how it supposed to be for educations, but we forget it soon as the exams ends.

Typical Reality.

Feel tired? Be happy because this post is ending right


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Always Treasure Your Friend(s)

At the afternoon of the report card day, i got a free AIR BATU CAMPUR as known as ABC. But at the same moment, a friend of mine left.

HE was one of my roommates and one of the coldest joker we have ever met. Due the blood cancer, he left the school for almost a year. HE fought his disease in order to get back the school life. He didn't fail and never supposed to be failed. But it actually happened. HE left.

During his funeral, everyone was (obviously because of humanity) sad. It's hard for the girls to stop crying, but it is also difficult to discharge any tears for boys. WE remained silence, watching the body that was fill with no fat but the medicines he took, in the coffin, behind the photo of his that is really hard the accept the one on it was once the one laughing with us.

周威权, it's been half a month. RIP.

As for the late visit, i'm sorry...............

A month, already??? More than that, already?????

1 and half month is certainly a long time for someone like you to wait, and i thank you for having that patience.

What i've been doing since lately? Well, not much to say but many thing happened in the last 6 weeks.

Nothing is more annoying and heart-pumping that the report card day, as mainly you get the opinion of you of your teacher with your parents side by side. Well, my results weren't so bad, after all, i never say that i am not the brightest kid in the class, and i never say i am. Get it?

You should be, because during the status as a student, when you're not skillful enough to face the formatted test but still clever enough to get an As in the swarm of Bs, (Get it?) you'll never know how the motivating books write about us.

For examples, the not-so-genius may not score as high as the front liners, however they maybe one of the creators of the cooperation that might change the world, like the brand of the fruit that chase your doctor away, and the softness that is beyond MILISOFT. Not to mention the guy who change the symbol of EUREKA in to a light bulb. (In case you don't understand, he's the creator of the real stuff.)

As the brightest kid, well they are the peak of the academics, what else the motivating books can say, find your dream, (Which is always the hardest part) chase it, succeeeeeeeeed!!!!!! Something like that, i don't know.

For us, well nothing to say? yes, we have, but the books never teach us about how to do, that's why these kind picked the smartest choice, be the chocolate scoop under the sprinkles. NO, we are not surrendering to the reality, so CHANGE!!! your thinking way!!!

The Sunday after the week we went to our national science park. Mainly as a learning trip for the NOBEL's awards special or something, i forgot. We get to do or watch ONLY some simple hands-on experiments. We get do listen a bunch of professional chemist presenting their job which is too professional for non-professionals like us.

Gladly, the trip is more worthy as we, (actually me and one of my friends ONLY.) get to surf the whole building even though it cost 5 RINGGIT each. We didn't force the others the come, we are guinea pigs to them to test the exhibitions. But, when as we confirmed the blast off base, the rocket was launched. so, TOO LATE. MUAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA.

But they really should work on the exhibitions. As physics come first and creates a universe, and chemistry creates compounds and planets along with biology which explained life-forms and brains that proved all the theory in front, they shouldn't just put two exhibition with different size together at the same time. The Major and Minor just formed obviously.

Went to PUTRAJAYA where our prime minister works, bad weather won't stop the Photography Society from photographing. Ten or less or more people standing at a same spot flashing at the lightning bolts. For a weather, 20 lightnings are plenty. For us, unless we got it, never.

I'll never write post about girls' mind, even a graph can't stand it, how can i?

I Celebrate My Sixteenth Birthday
without having the whole state like Miley Cyrus.

Who needs pack gifts which you might break it in the future when you have friendships and family that last forever unless you mess it up?

Handshakes and greets with love and SMS that cost them but not for me unless i replied "Thank you." is the presents i treasured. But i do have gifts too. I am not that lonely.

But my Google Reader is, Guys! Girls! Update it already!

Thanks for your time.
It worth more than a dime.

This sounds like a lie,
But i still have to say