Sunday, August 7, 2011

E to the X to the A to the M

I'm back!
Stupid heat burned out my moods to write a new post, but didn't it burn out my laziness???

I guess what I've been doing these days is nothing but slithering around.

To catch up the new Harry potter's movie, i have finally read the Harry Potter and the deathly hallows. Ya, I am
4 years late to read it. Why? Because my school is too big and the distance between my classroom and my school's library are toooooooooooo far. Seriously, the reason is that our school's new building wasn't accomplished and so is the bridge that attaches the main buildings of my school.

To speed up the reading, i borrowed a mandarin version of the book, yes, that will reduce the originality of the taste of the series, but what can i do? Another reason is the library doesn't have the English version's, even if it does, heck knows where did the librarians place it.

After 5 days of reading, I finally finish the whole series. I knew, i am slow.

After a few days after the preview of the movie, i surfed the internet as usual and saw all sorts of comments on the web. Some praised about, some were confused about too. I had to say, being the ROWLING behind one of the world's hottest novel series isn't a easy thing. When you got the reputations on write a creative story, they expect you to do the same again.

So no matter how the author tried to explain the whole thing, the fans or the others still managed to find a point that visually doesn't make sense.

Or maybe only the movie franchise that doesn't make sense........

Exams, the event where we eventually see the true sides of our class/schoolmates. Before and after the exams, you might see different faces around the place while they are revising at the very last minute. Maybe you are toooooooooo busy to observe that.

I do concerned about my exam and the marks, but the devil always made me an excuse to take a break and observe the surroundings. A rest is for a longer journey, right?

Before the exams (depends on the difficulty of the subject.)
  1. Normal - check and revise every point that might forgotten or missed during previous revision from the notes. Ask the others when confused by a minor point.
  2. God - doing the same thing but remain quiet to oneself. But mostly act the normal ones.
  3. Devil - do nothing but slithering across the hallway. Completely confidential. Or do they??
  4. Douche - Walking around and waiting for anyone to ask them questions. *This species are quite rare. Some are extinct.
  5. Hard workers - doing freaky last-year-question before the exams.
  6. Surrenders - Completely ignoring the subject.
During the exams
  1. Sicks - Unknowingly caught illness in every exams.
  2. Normal - Including God, Devil, Hard Workers and Douche, writing and screeching the paper in a uneven speed.
  3. Surrenders - Completely ignoring the subject. Prepare to due empty papers.
  4. Head Scratchers/Punchers/Driller - Suddenly empty-minded candidates, making awkward movements and thought it would summon back the lost memories.
After the exams
  1. Discussion group - Discuss the answers right away because they can't wait to know how many marks they have lost. Like i said before, MARKIST, totally lost the real meaning of learning. (NUMEROUS)
  2. Satisfied - Not really concerned about the results, but satisfied for what he/she done.
  3. Unsatisfied - Not really concerned about the results, but on the contrary.
  4. Surrenders - Don't give a F***/Sh**.
  5. Runners - Waiting to pee at any moment now.
  6. Unknown - A Satisfied forced to be Unsatisfied in front of his/her friend.
That's the typical series of people we will met at the Malaysian school's examination. If i missed out anything or misunderstood any personalities. Accept my apologies.

I have talked about the thoughts i had about exams, so i wouldn't repeat it again.

They just like to make their after-exams happy times worse themselves. No wonder some of them are EMO.