Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Last week of 2009........

This post is the last post of 2009..... Well, it doesn't mean i gotta stop it right? But when i think about the school was gonna start..... I feel strange about it.
Is it excitement? Probably not.
Is it disappointment? Not quite.
It seems like when school days approach, i felt neither anything new nor anything old........ Kinda odd don't ya think?

2 days till the year's over.....

Speaking of which, yesterday, was our class "DVD Development Meeting" which only participate by 6 person.
  1. Group Leader with 1 Macbook.
  2. Group vice leader with another Macbook.
  3. One who is trying to participate the meeting.
  4. One who is thinking about Karaoke.
  5. One who used most of the allowance for transport.
  6. One who felt bored like Guy No.5.
They planned to make the DVD burning done in 6 hours in Starbucks Coffee--The only Kopitiam with free wi-fi unless you buy one of its product.

Two of the group bought an Espresso (Solo) for 5 Ringgit. 4 of the groups were shock when they saw the size of the cup and the volume of the NICE TO SMELL, BITTER TO TASTE Espresso.

No one dares to drink it unless at least one pack of sugar was added.
One of them said: "It taste so weird when something bitter added with something sweet. "

We aren't rich, so we decide to eat our lunch in other restaurant.
These are the options:
1) McDonald; 2) Oldtown white coffee.
Mc was cheaper but the no one can stand the lines.
Though the coin was flipped and it demanded the fast food. But due to the reason above, we decided plan B.

As the result of the afternoon, the DVD aren't perfect enough to be finish, and some of them went home early. The rest went to the arcade till the whole event was over. In a Meaningless way.

Some pf my friends ended their blog just because they have nothing to write about, but don't worry, even though the year exam was coming, the post writing ain't stopping.

Let's have this as the last phrase of the post:

P/s: Ha ha, you should read this at 31st.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Xmas!

Since many ppl sent Xmas sms to me, how can i not post this?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

If you are here for the comic, well not today!!!!

Hey there! Cause the guy i request for scanning my comics doesn't know the detail about MY PAPER ISN'T A4 SIZE!!!! So the scanner can't scan it fully. Ya, you know the source of the papers.

Right! So no comic pages for this post.....

Sunday, comic fiesta, did i mention that? YES I AM.
Because some minor problems happened, i got there 2 hours late. And what do you know, i sent 16+ sorry to my pal because he arrived SUNWAY PYRAMID for 2 hours already.

The moment i reached the ticket area, there were so many wigged-crazy-clothed-big-junk-useless-weapons-psycho-faced-cosplayers......
Just kidding, but there were 20+ cosplayers waiting outside the convention hall where the fiesta held. Not to mention the total of the real deal inside the hall.

Ticket for a day: RM15. (My dad said: "Is it worth it?")

After getting in, cosplayers were indispensable, let's don't forget cameramen and photographers. (Okay, i know, they are the same, but it depends on their professional skills.)

These are the list of the stuff in the fiesta:
  • The One Academy exhibition, super detail, super cool, (I meant the gundam drawings.) and not to mention they drew the Storm Warriors (风云) awfully realistically.
  • Keroplay! First, you have to know what is kero-, it came from Keroro, the stupid crazy frog buster soldier. The whole deal is, you stuck a KERORO helmet on your head and you're KEROPLAYing!
  • Young but talented soon-to-be artist showing their completion. I don't even dare to compete myself to them.
  • Free PlayStation game try-outs, like Guitar Hero, (But now it has bass, drum and vocals system. It is more like a Band Hero.)
  • Racing game that is so real, you need a license to play it.
Here's a dialog between me and my pal. (First you have to know who is 徐有利.)

Me: (Whisper) You know, last year fiesta, 徐有利 came.
Pal: Cool, it is possible that he will come today too!
Me: And there is the Mandarin Comic Society's stand.
Pal: Let's go see if he's there, he is the head of the society, isn't it?
Me: No i don't think so, if he came, there would be a line queuing.

Poor stand, only a few comic artist standing there.
But still i took one of them a picture.

But there is one place should not be forget. Cosplay competition.
And here's a dialog between the competitor and the host. (I liked the dialog part.)

Competitor: Uchiha Sasuke guy. (S)
Host: I think he was called Alfred. (A)

S: Hi, i am Uchiha Sasuke.
A: Okay, Sasuke, how do you feel right now?
S: Sad.
A: I meant what do you want to do?
S: Revenge.
A: Revenge.... How do you feel after your revenge?
S: Sad.
A: Okay.... What is the point to revenge?
S: For my brother! (Uchiha Itachi)
A: (Speechless for a sec.)

And i can't remember the next minutes conversation.

Here's the link of the album in comic fiesta via facebook.

For the else of the story, let's just wait for my friends post.

Today, i was bored.
My mom wants my AWFULLY MESSY drawer tidied.
So, the drawer was tidied,
And i found two CD's.
These Cds were the recordings of the standard six parting dinner.
Held in a five star hotel, (i just don't know how in the world someone get to do that.)
Good times....
Good times.

To the friends who is watching this and at the same time, you are graduated as my classmate, check out those CDs.
You will find how standard we are when giving expression speech with Mandarin.
It is like reading out essay.

Haha! That is all i wanna share. BYE!

Friday, December 18, 2009

The week with all sorts of emo

Hi everyone! It is been a while since my untitled comic (Still no ideas? Come on!) posted.
Miss the three idiotic guys above?
Good, cause you never gonna miss them again!

Now, you have 4 options when you're watching this,
One) Ignored the comics and read what i typed;
Two) Ignored what i typed and watch the comics;
Three) Read 'n' watch the whole post;
Four) Ignored the whole and get your stupid cursor outta here........( I'm sure you won't pick this RIGHT???????)

I know this week wasn't over YET.....
But as you can see with the title...
This week was a special week,
even though it wasn't over YET.

If you are my sisters and cousins,
you should know what am i gonna said about the beginning of the week.
If you weren't,
then I'll have to tell you.:
Why in the heck you can't call me.

My maternal grandfather died in his sleep last week.
So we went to the his funeral,
He died in the age of 92,
According to the tradition,
No one should be crying during funeral,
Cause my grandpa had lived on this world for almost a century,
and died without pain or suffer. (I explained the reason.)
I don't know if i am approved to say all about this,
but i regretted for not accompany properly him in the last ten years.
I don't interact much with him because I'm shy even in front of my grandpa.
But i hope he will rest in peace.

But anyway,
after the funeral,
we went back to KL.
The next day, i went to visit my old pal.

You can check out his non-frequently-update-blog,
I am still quite confused about the reason of the birth of his user name.
I didn't link his blog?
I'll give you two hints,
his at the sidebar of my blog;
he preferred detective over ninja.
Got it?

Now where did i stop?

Wednesday, he finally got his parents approved
for arrange a day for me to visit him.
What wows me is that his drawing skill improved abnormally.
After some questioning i found out that
he got a new master,
(Well he said the ex-master was me, but i don't quite agree with that though i am the one who affects him with my drawing-on-textbooks-habits. Now it is still occurs!)

And he got his place as a vice president of comic society of his school!
With higher position comes with more responsibility,
(Hey, wasn't that sound familiar?)
So he probably be more busier than before.......
He had to work extra hard on the studies
and he has to do the paper works of the society.

To bad there ain't comic society in my school,
They put it as a branch of art society,
By that,
even comics genius avoid it.

By the way,
we scheduled this Sunday for the COMIC FIESTA
A place where geniuses gathers to show their skills and talents
but still not aged enough to get the job.
And a place that cosplayers gathered to let you guess what the heck are they
and hurts your eyes.


Yesterday, i finally finished reading a 333 chapters manga, named Eyeshield 21. It is a comic about Japanese made history in American football history. Because of its humorous and non-boring-ness, i even felt nervous when the match of the manga was occurring. This is just a introduction of my viewed comics, you can check it out if you wanted to. Next time, I'll be introducing a non-famous-because-the-ignorance-of-those-psycho-B.O.N-fans-but-it-is-great-comic. (Wanna know what the heck is B.O.N is, catch MCAT next week.)

I have a habit about mangas, when i think some of these were good, i will read it from the first chapter. Even though it has serialized till hundreds chapters.

That's all for now! see ya!

P/s: After the comic reading, i found out a news in facebook!!!
That is
xxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx..........
Shh..... keep it a secret that i posted this............

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A new week.....Neither boring nor busy.......

Hey guys!
There's an announcement,
My untitled comic, (ya, anyone can think of a name for it?)
Will be continued next week....
Cause i finally caught up the speed of posting instead of drawing.
Chapter 17,
Will start around next week.....
I'll see if i can make it this week.

By the way, last Wednesday was the one anniversary of MCAT,
nobody noticed right?
Ya, me either.
Of course no celebration,
It is only a note.
There's nothing to celebrate.
Just to let some of you know,
One year ago,
you are looking how this guy open his own blog....
For sharing comics,
Showing facts of the comic so some of you don't need to ask this and that.
Till making new style of reporting facts,
Evolve into a more-like-a-blog blog,
From colorless hair characters to characters whose can sign a contract with H&S.
The lameness.....
Well, still remains.

I decided to axed Assassin for one reason,
Even i think it creeps,
How would you think you would think?
Get what am i saying?
So let just keep it as an X files....

Last week, my Chapter 18 completion boost to 20 pages,
It crazed me,
but still,
It filled up the boring time of holiday of mine.
It is a good news right?
At least if i stop now,
i got 4 weeks to spare.
But of course i won't stop.

Holidays blanked the words in my blog.
You don't get to see how the idiots doing idiots stuff,
You don't get to hear how those guys' "forums" about online games,
You don't get to run away from girls scrauhging... (It is a "combined word", guest what does it means.)
You don't get to feel the time is flying, (Cause you will feel it when you only get to go home once per week.)
You don't get to gossip some gossip. (Oh come on, even guys can listen some interesting story.)
You don't get to read some free monthly/weekly magazines, (Just make sure you don't get busted.)
You don't get to see somebody typed so many You don'ts in one paragraph.

Well, That's all i gonna talk today.

Okay, i know the endings a little awkward but,
Hey, it was limited for 12 pages only.