Saturday, June 19, 2010

I like anything about the holidays except its speed.

People say, "See you in a jiffy." to do something else after a conversation and will meet again later. Scientist say, "Jiffy is a very short time equal to the time light takes to move a small distances. " (I searched the web and the result is quite confused.) Well, that explains people lies very much. However, I say, "Jiffy is a perfect description of holidays." Why? Because the holidays ends quickly if you don't find a way to spent it."

Yaya, some of my friends spent their times in out-stations, camps, karaoke-ing, celebrates birthdays, barbeque-ing, tuition, gaming and i meant the electronics ones. Well, me? I am just nothing but a couch potato. (I learnt this during the English exam.)

Hence, i made a graf so you can understand how on earth i spent my holidays. Ain't i thoughtful?

I watched Prince of Persia and the A-Team with my family. Both of them ain't blockusters, but they just good in some way.

Prince of Persia isn't historical nor mythical. It was a video game before we even know it. So, its storyline remain fresh and no one knows how it goes without watching unless they are geeks who played the game.

The A-Team was a old TV show. It is a quarter military, a quarter comedy and half action. It is more than a military movie, and you should take your dad to watch it.

World cup, a sport tournament that attracts more viewers and fans than the Olympics. Most humans freak out as their national team lost or win. You can say i spent most of the holiday night in front of the TV. As a supporters of nobody, i just wanna watch how they score. Including the butter hand.
As holidays gotta end, my mind is mixed with two thoughts. One, i wish the holidays never ends, okay, at least not so fast. But, i kinda wanted the school days to come faster. Is this one of those annoying examples of life? I hate this kind of dilemma.

Finally, during the holidays, i watched "Sherlock Holmes" (Tony 'Iron Man' Stark without facial hair version.), "Iron Man 2" (Where the man in the suit who owns a "SUITcase" has ego problems.), "How to train Your Dragon"(A film with well soundtracks about Nothern Dragons and one of them is very very feline-cute.) You can say i am satisfied with that. Bless high capacity pendrives.
So, thank you for clicking in to my blog, i hope you enjoyed it. Oh, before i forget.
Happy Father's Day to every fathers in the world including my dad!

Monday, June 7, 2010

A car sticker said, "EMO= Express eMotiOn", and i say," When?"

So my examinations were off and we were free like birds. Yay!

Back home from hostel, i saw a few bunch of friends updated their blogs, and as tradition, they mostly talk about all the examination and the feeling and motivating phrase. Thus, i think, should i? Nah!

After a few hours of Internet surfing, i went LEGO-ing with the one from my sister. I was quite idiotic to shoot the whole building process. Excluding the second version of it.

After 2 hours, (Including total of 1 and a half hour watching super trio with my sister on the laptop.) the whole "thing" finally completed.

Just after the completion, the Internet broke down. My sister called the Internet company for seven times and methods were used which was still useless, in the end, they said our modems were out. The whole thing caused us no Internet connections for 3 days.

Here another thing i wondered, in the past, no one knows computer and Internets, in the days Internet were born, everyone surprised, and now for some of us, can't live without it? IS some of you were similar to this? I don't know, so i was just asking.

My friends invited me to play badminton with them as a celebration for the end of examination. And the "accident" above happened. One of my lens was knocked off by a smash but fortunately, the screw of the frames were still on and it managed to be snap back to place.

For all these years since i knew how to hold a racket, i was like a living target for the smashers. From the head to the hair to the eye to the nose to the ears to the tummy to the arm to the shoulder to the finger to the knee to the double p. (You know what i meant.)

How unlucky i was.....

As i was in the taxi on the way to the train station, i saw one car with a sticker and the back. (Read the title.) Okay, i didn't say it out loud, but this is a very sarcastic explanation. Everybody said they are EMO, but does saying something but only speak out half of it called EMO? For example:

  1. "I hate someone...." (And the comment box will appear "who?")
  2. (speak in alien language)
  3. Say something and declared it was not about someone but actually about someone.
  4. never say anything for a long long long long long time.
  5. "Expression: EMO ing......."

I don't understand the whole deal about the EMO explanations but i am sure it wasn't the statement above. (Title that is.)

PS: I will randomly update my blog if i have the time, and most importantly have the subject to write. So do not predict the updated time.