Thursday, January 29, 2009

The craziness continues

Gong Xi Fa Cai! Which is every Chinese favorite phrase. What about me? Well, i kinda figuring that out.

After (I lost count) posts, kinda think of it, I am wondering if you guys like the "Every post many facts, i am lost, with no relax." thingy? (Thingy was used in many cartoons in U.S.A. Which is always used by the stupid brainless characters to introduce something that they can't explain or un-pronounce-able word. I am not requiring me as an idiot.)

By the way, here's the introduction of this week post:
Long shi (Mr. Dragon/Dragon guy) Tournament is a kind of sports day for the school of our main characters -----Kang dao. They don't just call it sports day like the other school, maybe dragon sounds more fierce for the tournament. For three years the school (Yes, he made it to form 3 without downgraded.) Wen shan(I kinda have some problem with typing Chinese characters.) has been dreaming of getting into the tournament. By forcing his "sidekicks" Hua kun
and Chong tong(The geek guy), they practiced, and obviously you have to read by yourself to get the point in the chapter.

Did you ever seen a school with great money to publish school newspaper like your house newspaper? Guess not.


P/s: Due to some "It-will-work-better-in-my-computer" problem, This post will only contain 2 images. I'm sure you will only use 5 minutes to done reading, unless you are a super duper sloth-ty slowpoke.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Televison's duuuuuuuu.......................................

Due to some central processing unit that is badly damaged. MY INKED PAGE will be close for one week. If you are watching this page. Don't think it is a joke, the writer is officially apologize to all the readers. Thank you for supports..............................

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A post without expectations

PROBLEM PC.............You know what it means?

Perfect! a nice second weekend and the computer needs
Obviously no CPU to plug in
Because it is removed to be fix.
Let see! No CPU that means no printer software, no printer to scan, no USB to save,
Even no pictures to add in this
Merely words

Post and off
Course, no comic until the CPU is fixed

But, when there is a bad news, there is a good news. When there's worse news, there is no GOOD NEWS! (Because good news is not enough to cheer up after the worse news. When there's a best news in your world? That's impossible to have any negative news you would care about. Unless, it is:

Oh sorry, i made a mistake, this news is not for you
Ha Ha! April fool! You thought i am serious? (Advice: Don't be happy so soon after you heard a good news in 1st April. Second, punch that person if you want and do it as hard as you could!)
The good news is fake, somebody made that up.
Gee, i must've get the wrong person.
Sorry, wrong number.

To the point, again. I'm am not the 101/102th person in my blog, thank you for all the 10+ of your support. i appreciate that.

As, i was saying, this is the (counting fingers)......18th post, or should i say the 17 1/2th post because this post is gonna end right......................................................................................................


Thanks for watching this i-dunno-if-dis-will-b-meaningful-2-u post.

Next week: When the CPU is fixed, an all new "twi-chapter" coming up! It will be a funny sport story, but just to be sure, some of the sports i drew was not according its rulebook, if you love that the original sport that i modified, tell me more about it, if you have any time!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Chapter 8 (2/2) The non-CAKASS people( A whole new start AGAIN..)

Who will be my 101th visitor? when you are staring at THIS at 8.30pm-12pm, and the numbers of visitors shown in your screen is 101. Congratulation, you are the one! let's see who will become the 150th?

A new year for mankind was over, a new year for students is neared. the 5th of Jan is Malaysia's school first day. Some of you might be moaning and some of you might be like our moral textbook characters who said:

"A new start of the year, the best part is i can go back to school and learn a lot of things, make new friends, do a lot of fun stuff, i am so exciting! blah blah blah BLAH! blah blah blah blah~"

Say the sentences above may bring happiness to your parents, trust me, they will your parents very happy.

But the true meaning of back to school is telling your friends how boring your holidays are or showing off your out-nation photos. Or~some of you might continue talking the best part while playing your video games or online computer games such as 墨香, DoTA, perfect world, pokemon(Is somebody that childish?), Maple Story, Old school's RO, Devil May cry, some wizard thingy that kills monsters game? or World Warcraft III or IV? I don't know.

And wow! Nowadays teenagers' life is full with games, not only life, my ears is full with them too. The good thing about in secondary school is that you can know todays boys "fashion". And the "words" they heard from movies. Goodness some of them are lame!

As i was saying, it is "BTS" day(back to school), and i will "promoted"to upper level. Yes i am going to the upper grade like you guys. The thing is i am in boarding school, where some of you think it was a nightmare more than jail. Don't ask me about what i think about the school, you will get the answer below.

I don't know!
Maybe, maybe not?
Don't ask me, ask him or her!

Get to the point! Because i am in boarding school and some of you don't, i will only posting one post per week. so, don't check my blog until next weekend.

P/S: Don't let the 102th person be me! I will be sadder if i am the 101th!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I know it is very weird and was drew by MSPaint, but hey, make up a spirit! It is a new year for human being, not for the time waster!
Wish you guys a super duper mega crazy unboring perfect great new special 2009 ZOOg year!