Saturday, January 3, 2009

Chapter 8 (2/2) The non-CAKASS people( A whole new start AGAIN..)

Who will be my 101th visitor? when you are staring at THIS at 8.30pm-12pm, and the numbers of visitors shown in your screen is 101. Congratulation, you are the one! let's see who will become the 150th?

A new year for mankind was over, a new year for students is neared. the 5th of Jan is Malaysia's school first day. Some of you might be moaning and some of you might be like our moral textbook characters who said:

"A new start of the year, the best part is i can go back to school and learn a lot of things, make new friends, do a lot of fun stuff, i am so exciting! blah blah blah BLAH! blah blah blah blah~"

Say the sentences above may bring happiness to your parents, trust me, they will your parents very happy.

But the true meaning of back to school is telling your friends how boring your holidays are or showing off your out-nation photos. Or~some of you might continue talking the best part while playing your video games or online computer games such as 墨香, DoTA, perfect world, pokemon(Is somebody that childish?), Maple Story, Old school's RO, Devil May cry, some wizard thingy that kills monsters game? or World Warcraft III or IV? I don't know.

And wow! Nowadays teenagers' life is full with games, not only life, my ears is full with them too. The good thing about in secondary school is that you can know todays boys "fashion". And the "words" they heard from movies. Goodness some of them are lame!

As i was saying, it is "BTS" day(back to school), and i will "promoted"to upper level. Yes i am going to the upper grade like you guys. The thing is i am in boarding school, where some of you think it was a nightmare more than jail. Don't ask me about what i think about the school, you will get the answer below.

I don't know!
Maybe, maybe not?
Don't ask me, ask him or her!

Get to the point! Because i am in boarding school and some of you don't, i will only posting one post per week. so, don't check my blog until next weekend.

P/S: Don't let the 102th person be me! I will be sadder if i am the 101th!!!!!!!!!!!

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