Sunday, March 29, 2009

Continue the Tradition......

Even it is seven days ago, the spirit never ends.........Well, actually it did.

The last post was compose in a hurry minute......... When i mean gtg, i really do meant that. After a non-stopping fast typing (Try reading the paragraph within 20 seconds, if you are that boring.), my point is, since i haven't compose for two weeks, let em make it up to you, again. Shall i?

Continue the tradition? Which tradition? Perhaps you would about this.
These are the possible traditions of my blog you might need to answer (Actually you don't need to, cause the answer will revealed itself, everytime...):
A) The fact you may never know. (If it is in code formation, it might break your nerves)
B) Boring old background story teller
C) All about my little life

I'll give you ten seconds to answer..... 10 ........9 ...........8 .......... 7...............6 ..................... 5................ 4................ 3............... 2................... 1................ 0! Time's up, i'm wasting your time, aren't i?

The answer is (drum rolls...........) all of them, cause this post be the end of chapter 10, clap your hands even you don't know why you are clapping.....

It starts now (this will be my longest post, maybe):
1) Cause i don't know anything about baseball, so all those rule and regulations might have offended the baseball fans.
2) All i know about baseball is, a guy with bat hits a ball from a guy in the middle field, he missed the ball three times, the guy will lose, if the guy hits it, he will run around and around and around and around (say it 10 times before you end this sentences.). The guy will try to step on a white plate before the other guy besides it catches the ball.
3) Mr. Chen and Mr. Yang moves is practically not logical, so please don't even think about trying this at home.
4) I don't want to revealed the end of the baseball game, so it will fill with aura of mystery. (Some of my friends said, "No it doesn't!") But the ending is obvious, you could be the director, if you want.

Background story teller formation initiated.
The game of tennis is still because the lack of the author knowledge. Let me introduce 杨礼天, a parodied name of my ex-classmates, 杨理添, or should i say ex-schoolmates because he switch to another school.
As the ball is serves, 文山 couldn't estimate which one should catch the ball, his face or his racket. As his "coach" 华坤 was dissapointed, 聪通 found a way of encouraging in an impolite way. Do not use these words to any of your friends, cause if you say it to them, you lose them. 聪通 words angers 文山, which turns him into a tennis-smacking-ball-ordering maniac. You can't stop him for this. But the game ended without got it to the final, cause the encouraging effect could not last longer.

I skip the life telling, cause i have nothing to tell with my scores of the exams, it did not fail me so there is not much to tell.

The awarding ceremony: (Use some music and clap your hands for nothing again.)
The jade turtle from the four divine beast in Chinese legend goes to 黄永奇 as the leader of class B3, for winning the football, basketball, and hockey competitions (Which all are related to the crew, he gets part of the credits for this.)

The White china tiger, goes to 谢成士 (parodied name of 谢承志, nicknamed Orange juice, look at the chatbox, if you found scchia, he is the one.) for winning something that is not very important.

The bronze ox which is not from the divines but only to get the numbers right, goes to 陈正雨, by winning the badminton men singles, men doubles and mixed doubles. (What can you expect? Even the real guy is good with shuttlecock whacking.)

The silver phoenix goes our main character, 马文山, for winning the feet competitions (when i mean feet, that means he win the competitions by feet), and the baseball tournament, and tie the table tennis tournament.

THE golden Dragon goes to 邱浦郓, for winning half of the races except: baseball, table tennis (tie with 文山), badminton, 100m , tennis, events won by 谢成士.

The end......... Thank you for choosing MIP fm, the most crazy story teller you ever heard.

Very friendly unspeakably spagheti Sorry!

This week has no comics pages.... Don't slam your keyboard or table with your palm................ Please forgive me........ You don't? You'll never?

Sigh............ Let me explain, I've i like something so childish that you don't remember you heard it before and because of that i spent "sometime" on "youtubing" and because of some connection problem (What connection problem? i explain later.) and it is very late at night. My temporary substitute laptop does not support picture uploading and (Take a breath) so, i need our PC to compose the post. The next day was Sunday, which is today, no school, that means my sister needs to use the computer. Gtg, continue next week........

Friday, March 20, 2009

This Is A "make-it-up-for-you" Post

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Everyone who is staring at this word. How are you now? I sure you are feeling fantastic! Even know.... our.... holiday..... is...... about..... to......... end...... time.... to........ back.... to...... school. (Depressing)

Oh well! What the heck. What could possibly go wrong in school. At least you meet your who doesn't have or want to give you cellphone numbers to chat, even you can chat, you can't even find any topic to chat up for hours, could you? If you can, just skip this part..

Time for do you____!!!!!
DO YOU have a friend like this?
A snake that wraps you around every where you go/ A genius that know everything and show it off like a second teacher/ A fellow that always drop some of your stuff in or onto a place you will never got it/ A great talk-backer of your schools teacher/ Always made the seniors mad with a bad mouth ad cause unexpected problems for you and your team/ A person that always thinks his is always right/ A person with "dooo" words in their mouth/ Complainers bull eyes/ An perfect topic for essay/ A person with an unstoppable beating hand attached to him/her/ A person that is friendly a while, "foely" a while............

He or she is your talent founder/ A person with curiosity to try some "doo" words/ You & him or her got matched/ Unexpectable girlish/ Always has a crowd standing around/ Citizen under the RULE kingdom/ Creepily made a "serious" club like something to do with Chinese Education/ A person who attracts people with his snacks, junk food, and sweet/ Two or three of them were in a different family but born in a same day/ A big guy with unoffendable personality..........

Some of the sentences is colored, why?
Let me explain................... The same color sentences were all in one person.
Green: A short person i met in form 1. He's really a sticker. A Christian that never allow anyone to say: OH MY GOD
Purple: My god! Why even in different school, i still see his shadows. (personality)
Red: i can desribe him......
Orange: This one was special, they were a gang.
Pinkish Purple: Different person, same type.
Black: Others

Thanks for watching!!!!!!! See you next post!!!

Parodied names victims.......
陈韦儇= 陈伟轩 Once my classmates, now the class president of the "neighbour" class.
杨鹰铠= 杨英凯 Active in swimming, so he got his black skin by that.
黄永奇= 黄勇琪 He is one of the colors......

Next time, more craziness awaits........

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm back! Miss me?

Welcome, the supporters of this blog, for .....(counting fingers) three weeks of no blog-composing. Damn, i nearly lose the feeling of typing with an incorrect ways. (like typing with one or two without using this others like your computer class teacher once taught you.)

This holiday isn't very perfect. It is because those comics i scanned has became a bigger size for me to upload to this blog. So, it took a WHILE to upload into the post.By using the what again.........oh ya! Windows Picture Manager something like that.

What did i do for the rest of the holidays?
i) Celebrates my best friend birthday by just playing computer games and also Play Station all day long(until i went back, of course.)
ii) Done nothing but watching online series with the special software called PPS.(I am not telling you the full name, even if i know.) I have to say, thanks to the KIND & GENTLE uploaders, i am bored till there's a spider named Challotes made a web that's written HOME SWEET HOME.
iii) Finding a way to minimize the comic page so ican fit it in this post(Which i did it! Yay for me! Thank you! You are kind.)
iv) Planning to says something in here.

The pictures of my seems a little small. I'll try to make it better.

Remember i once changed my friend's name into a character's name in my comics?(Which i hope they don't mind...)Here's two "victims" facts:
I) 丘浦郓= 邱普运 A very active person in table tennis like his brother an his is once my classmate. Nearly every week his trophy cupboard has a new trophy.
II) 陈正雨= 陈政宇 A good friend who is the first person i met that lives in my hometown--Titi. A former class president.(now he is vice.) Likes to play badminton and skilled it too.

Titi(知知港): A town located in Jerebu, N.S, Malaysia. The motorcycles is more popular than cars in this peaceful town. Photographers can capture many kampung style photo too.

Next post, the craziness continues....