Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm back! Miss me?

Welcome, the supporters of this blog, for .....(counting fingers) three weeks of no blog-composing. Damn, i nearly lose the feeling of typing with an incorrect ways. (like typing with one or two without using this others like your computer class teacher once taught you.)

This holiday isn't very perfect. It is because those comics i scanned has became a bigger size for me to upload to this blog. So, it took a WHILE to upload into the post.By using the what again.........oh ya! Windows Picture Manager something like that.

What did i do for the rest of the holidays?
i) Celebrates my best friend birthday by just playing computer games and also Play Station all day long(until i went back, of course.)
ii) Done nothing but watching online series with the special software called PPS.(I am not telling you the full name, even if i know.) I have to say, thanks to the KIND & GENTLE uploaders, i am bored till there's a spider named Challotes made a web that's written HOME SWEET HOME.
iii) Finding a way to minimize the comic page so ican fit it in this post(Which i did it! Yay for me! Thank you! You are kind.)
iv) Planning to says something in here.

The pictures of my seems a little small. I'll try to make it better.

Remember i once changed my friend's name into a character's name in my comics?(Which i hope they don't mind...)Here's two "victims" facts:
I) 丘浦郓= 邱普运 A very active person in table tennis like his brother an his is once my classmate. Nearly every week his trophy cupboard has a new trophy.
II) 陈正雨= 陈政宇 A good friend who is the first person i met that lives in my hometown--Titi. A former class president.(now he is vice.) Likes to play badminton and skilled it too.

Titi(知知港): A town located in Jerebu, N.S, Malaysia. The motorcycles is more popular than cars in this peaceful town. Photographers can capture many kampung style photo too.

Next post, the craziness continues....

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