Sunday, May 31, 2009

If you are a Malaysia student, Happy holidays!

Sometimes, i am very glad i'm in my school, cause the school exams is always before the holidays, that means i don't to worry about the marks in the holidays, at least not in the shadow till the holidays was over. Well today, nothing really happen to me today. just trying to plan how to get over this long-but-nothing-like-my-favorite-show-to-expect holiday. It's true. Many show new episodes preview in the weekends, when you done watching one, you have for nearly a week to wait those uploaders are happy to upload. And yes these are not avaible in Malaysia yet, because Asia, no, Malaysia's Disney channel was one time slower the America's. And some show just doesn't keep coming. I talked a little bit too long, aren't i? OK, let change topic, shall we?

You know, why i place a characters-in-online-game-costume? Because i felt that i don't fit in to the crowd today just because i don't play online games. Well, thanks to my OG-allergy computer, i felt that these game are not my type. But 50% above of my friends love to play the online game, like i mentioned before a few post before, let me make a list to show that what they are:

1) Dude! do you know how to grab that (weapon or items)?
First, you have to got to (A place), then meet the (character), take the (Monster) down, get the (key or the key item) and then go through (a place), and finally, press (button on the keyboard) and you got it.
2) How do you (normally a high level player) get across the (level or river thingy or a hideout of a pack of gangster)
Use (weapon or incredible item) etc etc etc....
3) Give me you ID's name and we shall meet in (a place but probably the city or one of will get lost).
4) The armor i saw on your character was cool, how did get that?
5) The pics of the level and cheats were in this thumbdrive, take a good care of it or you will (probably a disgusting ending).

When competing whose online game is better, these are what they say.
i) That game is lack, it slows every thing, even when meditated so i can regain power.
ii) Your game is too cute (Seldom means Maple Story), today's game we talk about mega battle, crazy armor, supreme and over-design weapon.
iii) This game was very in.
iv) Ya, 1 year ago. Now, ____ is the new gen.
v) That game is boring, even the pirated edition.

But after the 90-110 level, they change their games or start over. Or even: "I sold it."

After all the hearing, these are my question to them:
a) Why are you playing?
For fun.
b) What is point of playing?
c) What is the point of level-up?
[They probably walk away right now.]
d) What happen after there is no level to upgrade?
I will sell the ID
e) What is the purpose of playing the game, what reason makes you want to play it?
1) Sweet armor.
2) Special effects/background/realistic/monster is so cool.
3) Fun

There's more but i am still finding a way to ask them.

You know, after all that listing, the whole page the post was nearly use by the list. But confusion is still my mind, girls might don't care, (Some of them are players, when i said some, it meant 0.001%)

Even today is holiday and you probably think my distance between posting time will cut, like a post per day, BUT i have to say sorry cause i don't have such time. Holiday is precious to me for drawing and making plans, and two plans was made. one is visiting my friend and his electrical items, and he is waiting for my comics to show his friend who will not take my comics seriously like the others. He never comes in even if i tell the address, he'll never know i said that, haha!

Next time, what's the overact face? -------------------

Gadget explanation time!
Spring shoes 3.4(弹簧鞋): using the design of today well known slipper, combined with well know shoe effect in cartoon's world. Radio controlled by a belt, but only for the power controlling. Direction control by the owner, don't care if you bounce down the cliff.
Google Map Programming Special Positioning Goggles (谷歌地图程式特制追踪眼镜) : A 50g, including headphone for mp3, half Google version GPS screen goggles. Using superb receiver so the owner can't get lost in forest area. A part of the screen is camera screen, preventing the owner from bumping to trees.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Seven days to the great holiday the year!

<---I know! I know! He is not very handsome! What do think i'm? Romance category's? Speaking of categories, i found a manga about cartoonist life in Japan, its name is ........... Bakuman as in 爆漫王(食梦者, don't know why but you need to type these words to watch the online pages.). A creation by somebody i don't know but illustrated by the author of DEATH NOTE. This manga's synopsis is about a 14-15 years old ordinary student's notebook with his crush drawing was found by the genius of his class. The genius found the main character's talent and invites him to become a comic artist. Because the death of the main character's uncle who is a comic artist. He can't make up his mind. Finally he co-operates with the genius and starts his comic life. The manga shows the Japan manga business is hard, if you sucessed, you can use pens to life, if you stands in the middle, it may just like in a casino. I not sure if it's the same in malaysia but i feel this kind of culture is kinda hard to stand in a point steadily. Haha.

Enough with the serious talk.(or maybe not) Remember the topic of ninja i mentioned? Ya! It's a special martial arts and a job to sneak into enemy's house and steal some scroll thingy. Power rangers, Naruto, some weird movies about them, blah blah making them some are evil some are kind like a robin hood. Naruto made them incrediblily more than ninja, are they from online games? Cause they chakera thingy in their body, weird patterns in their eyeballs, sealed fox thingy, many tails thingy...........

Man! those half masked guy knows how to anti those gravity or they are just monkeys.... If you are ninja fans, you probably wonder why i'm talking like this, cause you see some ninja suits in the comic just for one page, only. And because of that, it became my fit-in-to-this-boring-talking.

(sigh...) The seven days is difficult to get over if you know what mentioned last week. Holidays is hard reached! But i have something to share with you. Maybe the role will probably kill me, this is my last words: i AM STILL gonna share it!

Someday around last week, fake couple is still juicy in form 2, (until high school, everyone is not that childish anymore, but it is weirdly fun if you are not the guy in it. But somehow, among my primary friends, some does like each other. But i think this is kind of puppy love, shhhh! haha.) our council teacher gave us a assignment, some activity called angel and master. You pick a name from a jar and youill be the angel of the name you picked, and you should keep it a secret in front of your master, [Ya, the rule says it is a secret, but you know what they said:"Everyone can keep a secret, but people who is forced don't.(Actually is 'the person you told don't.')"So, 80, no, 90% of us know their true identity, no suprise huh?] Before the deadline, you should send caring gift to your master either the person is girl or boy. If you didn't, the deadline the last day.

This is the climax (i think) of my story. I make card with flying horse(I don't want to draw angel, but since i drew, she knows me.) and sent it before the deadline. Till, that day, 90% of the boys (9 person) gave their gifts before the deadline. So, they are empty-handed. And the girls had DIY gifts and mall gifts. We cleared out the tables and circled around on a chair. The angel ID revealing has finally begun, some are excited, and so are not because THEY KNEW WHO. My "angel" is a girl, one of the silentest among girls. I'm shock cause she sent me a number of paper notes that i expected, haha. Silent in mouth but pen....... Well, my gift was a book of IQ devoloping, i wonder if she think my brain needs to be devolop, ha!

And finally, It is The climax role's(A) turn, some psycho girls thought he would be the "angel" of his rumored girlfriend(B), but they are dissapointed because it is the other girl(C). I knew that because(A) told me. It is (C) turns to find her "angel" and unexpectly it is (B)! Just when we are wondering who is (B) master and they follow one by one went around in the circle. Suddenly, (B) take a U-turn, and give her present to......................................................

(A)! Wow! everyone (not really) in the circle cheers and clapped and the stars seems to blush in red(i think) and so is my hand. Back to the hostel, The gift (A) get is a paper lolipop, the rest is not gonna revealed to you. He tells me not to revealed the story here, or else. Hey! It is funny! (A)>(C)>(B)>(A) , lucky i guest.

That's the end of the story.
JIKAI!(Next time in jap) The indentity of the mysterious student!

黄量鸿:黄亮宏, a very hardworking active singaporean prefect-to-be. Dreamt to be PC software devoloper. Cause by his activeness, many classmates thinks he is show-off-er.

P/s: do you the illustration from the top? The idea of McDonald is from the one in the train station of Seremban.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

2009 A new chapter!

Hello! Welcome to the "blog" of something you will never expect. You know if you look into some comics or manga (they are the same, manga is a straightly translated of the Chinese word, 漫画.) their is some special illustration before the chapter starts. Then behind it, it reveals the "making of" the illustration. So, the right side of this paragraph is the next scene of the chapter cover. WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING.

Well, after that intro, let me introduce the story of the chapter of the week.

Newbie, what is the first thing you think of a newbie? Maybe you are wondering his datas, where is he/she from? Out of town? Out of the village? City? Out of state? What's his/her personality? Grumpy? Stupid? Snoozy? Smart? Maniac? Cheapskate? Shy? Why switch school? Forced? Willing? Staydown too much? Broke the rules hopelessly? His/her ex-school is too cheap for him/her? Most importantly, could you be friend with him/her?

This chapter is about A newbie, some people might thing it is more fun when introducing many weirdos in one chapter, much like chapter 8. Lets complete this part before you leave this page.

About my life for this blog because this is what blog's function. Unless you want to keep it as a computer diary, much like a diary without pen's scratching sound but buttons tapping.

Exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! s!!!!!!!!!!! The worst nightmare of every students and teachers. Hey! Why teachers is involved? Because they need find a suitable and never be complain questions for the students. They need to buy more red-ink pen than before, just to mark and record some numbers that might cause someone to get a heart attack, IF someone's heart was weak, that I can't explain much. Teachers need to teach every thing that will possibly appears in the papers before they were scolded by the candidates.

Malaysia's independent secondary school has merely 60 in hundreds, for decades some Chinese has fight for the quality of Chinese education, causing many were caught in something laws end with an A.(Don't know what's the full name.) One of the days was in the National Teachers Day. (That's what i heard) And that's the reason why Malaysia's independent secondary school never celebrates Teacher's day till June. (I think.) But rumors or not, for those who has the job to prevent new born generations became cave men, for THOSE HARDWORKING teachers, happy teachers day!

Back to the topic of exam, exam is a tools to test what you have learn from the teachers. That is what the councilors and famous adults. What really means for today's students, students without really acceptable marks thinks these marks are the key from being at the same classes with their younger siblings. For students with passing grades, these marks is their "conclusion" of friendship. A fake jealousy was formed between friends. OR these marks just a IQ test, and conclusions of the analysis of the brain from the hospital.

One of my friends suspected these marks, even suspected his life. And the fairness of god. This is what he said:"I work so hard on studying before the exams, (He works like the characters in the moral text book.) But why you never take notes seriously, do something else when teacher was teaching, not really studying when exams comes, you done the revision before the last minutes, (that means last second minutes, haha.) but you get better marks, how did you do it?" When anyone was asked with this question, obviously he will say:"I dunno, maybe i'm lucky?"

Hint, this friend were once in my parodied name list, only he knows.

Hey look at the time, got to go, the face of the newbie will review next post.
Coming up: Lets talk about ninjas, huh? Bye!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The end of 2008 creations

The only adjective to describe this month isn't warm nor cold, nor excited, not even boring, BUT hot! It is like we back to the days before the other nine suns shot down, we switch on our air-conditioner to prevent melting, but seems it makes the world more warmer than before. Such complex relation, that is why I leave it the protector of the world without fancy costume. And that's why you are looking this passage. Got it? Never mind, you don't have to anyway.

One of my favorite sport is badminton, it is the only game i remember its rule and regulation. But to master it is hard, you have to know whack, how to smack, how to smash, (I think they are the same thing. They all have the power to hurt me.) how to not get blame by your partner, and the most important is how to get your respect for the people on the game. Look, if you have standard above me, that is not the problem, if your smacking skills are as dull as mine or below, brother/sister, we are one of the kind. I am good (i think) at the so-called 网前球 [that means when the shuttlecock hits the wires of the racket, letting it bounce to the other side of the net, and very closely and also 阿姆巩ly. (luckily)] But the others prefer smack smack smack, i can't disagree with that cause it is a move to the winning point. When there's a skilled student stand by me to be my double's partner. Don't know why, i have Hollowman's ability, Invisible. Hello! I'm standing right here using my racket as my cane standing like Mr. Chaplin from the black and whites, And my partner think the point we lose in my side was my fault because of my focusing. Try think about it, you are in a war, you are trying to keep away from the bullets, but after twenty bullets you are standing on the same point for ten minutes and not a bloodstain on your shirt but the SWAT mate beside you. Suddenly a bullet coming towards you after fifteen minutes. Back to the tent at the side of the war, the nurse advices you to be careful and the others warn you about keep away from the bullets.

But after looking like the referee of the table tennis competition looking at the shuttlecock from here to there to here to there, one of the person said, "Hey, this guy haven't receive one shuttlecock, give him one. "Partner, you are making me sad, it is like i was a poor worker, and you give me a free penny. This is the problems for a not skilled person in some sports. You get nothing but pity. (It is same in online games, crowd left you because you didn't play any.)

Advising moment: One of my friend advice me for changing the blog language from English into Chinese. How about you?

The next thing is, curiosity of dooo words,
How many "dooo" words you know? What is "dooo" words? Doooo words is the words appear in American idol logo when people speak it. It will be replace by hexagons symbols(*), and often starts with the capital F. When you were a kid, people thinks you are weird when you says it, when you are in my age, people felt weird when you never says it. 黄明志, A Malaysian who use songs to express what he saw in Malaysian but offended the government unaware. Once again use a video to introduce these words, but before he publish it, somebody seems to know these words decades ago. Why is it spread out wide so easily like virus A H1N1? For me, i think it is curiosity. Person A says some of the words and person B heard it, person B found it can be use to express un-pronouns-able anger, so he makes it a practice in his life, and then the whole process starts over again. Why use these slang? It is like you are out of vocabulary. (For the viewer that is pure heart, you might just don't let these words bugging you, continue your comic reading, as for the user of what i said....) One more caution, if you continue using these words, the numbers of offended person will increase.

Lastly, wish every mother either pregnant or not, a
Happy Mothers day!!!!!!!!!!!

P/s: this has more words than before cause by the mistake of the dividing the pages of this chapter.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Yo! Yo! What's up? Don't throw rotten tomatoes cause i got an umbrella!

You guys have so much time and patients! I will rain lucky above all of you if i could, that means i couldn't. Oh what the heck!

Sorry for all those trouble for holding your fist when you're looking at this un-upgraded blog.

Let me introduce today's (i wrote at night, so you'll looking at this in the next day.) chapter. THIS is the last chapter in year 2008. I drew it before the December holidays, before this blog was born. Why it became digital? (In my words, Scanned) Thanks to the most loyal (or should i say the only) viewer, 吴琦 Because he (yes he's not a girl) can't wait for long caused by my scanner. (which malfunctioned) and also my allergic-to-blogger-laptop. He scanned it for me, his appeared in the chatbox, with the name chi. Remember this name, He's the savior of the blog.

About the the summary of the story, this chapter is a about my form1 story. The "tradition" of note passing was appeared in the end of the last semester. Obviously every exam was over, what else the words in the note will be? Gossips, gossips and lastly Online games talking. (For me, it is like martian conversation.) From that day on, it is like, i'm a postman to them. So, this chapter will be introducing a very overact story. You may listen to the storyteller.

This chapter will be using many translated words:
嘿利普米:Help me
普雷。斯特欸森:Play Station

With weird note passing tricks:
a) rubber band shooter
b) Morse code (you need a Morse code decoder, your friend need it too.)
c) Pig-pen or unknown icons
d) The most classic, paper planes, the most dangerous but most effective. (And cheap)

Not to forgot, my favorite, parodied names:
言嘉河:Origin from 何嘉艳, An ex-classmates, a popular girl in school, shorty, but crushed by many boys in school, rumors said. I think.
苏伊林:Origin from 林逸舒, Her data will be secreted.

To be continued.......

P/s: My birthday was over, I got a sketchbook money can buy. But the part that is priceless is the wishes and words between the friendships.

Thanks for everything! was revive!