Saturday, June 20, 2009

A weird ending............. but you'll probably ignore the paragraphs

For the students who can't use their computers, our school computer and info. department is "kind" enough to gave these "poor" guys a chance to surf the internet. Which eventually has rules and regulation like you can't use it for OG playing, (which someone would always break it.) no above 18 web, (if they dare to.) no flash games, no online comics web surfing, (apparently you need to know how to grow an eye behind your neck. which obviously you can't, but you could use your ears for the teachers' high heels' interesting sounds. ) and no video watching to prevent the "colored" ones. But the weird thing about it is you were approved to surf Youtube. And the video never works. It is so confused, you can surf the net to find something you can't use or watch. So, i create the record of walking off my friends' "paradise" within 30 minutes.

Odd huh? i know, for a nearly-extinct non-OG-player like me, there is nothing impress me other that the exist of Youtube. Such a great invention for the generation next to Google. The confusion of the reason of OG playing is still unsolved.

Btw, a kind friend stuffed a "pound" of music in my thumb drive. I mumbled an answer for his offered, never knowing he stuffed three four of the maximum space of it. Shocked, i don't know what should i say, thank you or speechless, thanks for the songs but the junk of DoTa that i'm not interested.

Today was our school special "delay" teachers day celebration, to thank the hardworking of the teachers yadda yadda yadda..... And like every school, they always have special performance.

Like, the classic Chinese drum roll of 24 seasonal, which active only in its home nation, Malaysia, NOT China. Crazies other hearts beating as always.

Weird teacher singers, some of them goosebumps us, some of them amazes us. Mostly most of them ignored by us.

Musical performance were often using soundtrack technique. Performing many others-dreamed-to-learn breakdances. Because of the exams, nobody have such time to train for it, so only one musical comedy were performed.

Crazy junior ones A, only one class contained crosstalk performer, guitarist, pianist, violinist, high note singer, (A haven't-change-voice still living in standard 6 singing style junior boy.) and some prodigies i never know. Don't they are born with this or force to train a talent by parents. Who knows, i know they aren't me.

The most important of the celebration is the audience. There is no real audience in school, there are kind of selfish if you know what i meant. For example,

They talk and talk like they think this is a karaoke pub. Most of them talk during speeching time from the leader group, but they know when to clap. Some of them a jerks, thinking of yellowed stuff from the beginning till the end of the celebrations, they really are jerks. You can't say anything to them, you words is a cymbals monkey in their mind like the Simpson movie. They never listen. There is more but i know you won't want to hear for more.

Speaking of jerks, there's a part of co-curricular activity called 学长团, guys with necktie and act like school police, which most of the student hate them cause they cause themselves to trouble and caught by these guys with necktie. From the name of cadet police, their name transform to canine police, (学狗团)what a stupid way to hate somebody doing their job. It is like you will die if you didn't a short socks, or cut your, or tuck in your shirt. It's not like i'm one of them, it just selfish for cursing others.

Yes it is true, nobody know their problem without a lesson, they think they always right, they think yellow stuff is normal, they think nerd rules will kill them, they think what they request must be done, they think others advice is not for them, they think it is annoying when somebody is active more, they think F-slang is a fashion, there's more but i am sick of that.

Yes i am typing with confusion mixed with anger and a headphone on my head.

Calm down.............. now, there is nothing to talk about the page cause that will cause your laziness for clicking.

There's another confusion about comics and novels.

Novels make the reader to imagine what they have read, then cartoonist were born, turning words into pictures, but after comics were born, the readers were only interest in the pictures, even though the story sucks, or they are reading it with empty head, they are need someone or the story to explain the whole thing to them. So, some of them prefers back to novels. To confess the readers to use their brains to analysis the mind of the author, dialog-less story book were born.

My "friends" will totally said they only 'read' the pictures cause they don't understand the plot of the story, and i admit it three thousand times that i will improve the story writing.

Lately my friend keep sending must-forward emails to me, i wonder what if i don't send it? Is it that magical? Confused.............

Next time, a long 陈聪通 special, if you don't remember him, his the genius geek inventor. bye!

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