Sunday, October 11, 2009

I have no idea what should i write for the title.......

Hey, Long time no see. Are you hating me or you are waiting me patiently? I touch for your patient, but if you are hating me, you won't be sitting in front of MCAT!! ....T.....T....T....T(echo) Okay i know, that's stupid.

Why isn't the MCAT gets updated? It should be done last week, BUT it didn't cause you know what they said, 'Even a writer had an empty head.' (Oh shut up, you just made that up!) Okay, i have no ideas to write in the posts. Last week, my parents have gone to Taiwan so i can't go back to hostel by myself. That is why i stay at my dad's hometown TITI. (I introduced it so don't ask where it is.) My friend 政宇 lives there, (i mentioned.) he is one of the mapling guys, obviously, he has a computer. Sucessfully, my USB fulled with scanned comics plugged in his PC CPU. After the NEW POST page was shown, my brain got blank. And there you are, watching this post TODAY.

And there is an announcement, for delaying the time for the chapter 17, (I haven't finish it yet.) I will be posting the three competitions entries 12 pages each in MCAT, it will be held for 6 weeks. (In Chinese.) And here's the following title and introduction.
  1. A.D. 2618-- A story about the future, a teenager, an ASIMO, a tree, an adventure. (Not much.) Inspired by WALL-E.
  2. Assassinate-- 26 assassins, 26 ways of assassination, one of my soon-to-be long comics.
  3. Four brothers-- 4 brothers, a family, 3 habits, one ending. Story by me and my friend for the Group work, drama.
Speaking of drama, let me talk about it. 3 performances by 45 students, separated into 3 groups with 15 members each. Friendship, family, fairy tale will be performed only in English class.

About the group of mine, Story by me and my friend 林和钧, performed by every boys and 5 girls. The group will be practicing in Monday and maybe performed in Tuesday, kinda rushed. I wish to upload the behind the scene and the performing. Let see what can i do.

There was a show called Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, one of the episodes introduced the teachers in the school with special personalities. Well, they said, 'Teachers are humans' souls engineers.' But nobody in these days talk about it or even wanna learn about it. Two of my classmates, with the introduction:

Talk out their thoughts of the teacher but not in front of THE teacher, talk out their thoughts of the teacher even in front of THE teacher.

Were very annoying, they thought what they think about the teacher are accurate and right, even though i agreed with some of them. There are many people in the school (I wonder if there some of them in the other place in the world.) always think he or she was right, it is hard to change their stubborn personalities until they learn a lesson, (Some of them won't change their mind even with a lesson.) You just can't change their opinions. Wait a minute, every human being ARE stubborn of their opinion until they were proved wrong. Such odd species. Even me.

Back to the point, There are 12 and more subjects in our school. Of course, there will be many teachers. Like last post, here's the personalities of teachers i knew: (some of these may be wrong.)

Hated by annoying students in class obviously, hated by annoying students in class behind his/her back (I don't understand the reason.), apple-polished BUT accept them, unfairly treating boys and girls, Recess delayers, boring teaching (He can't help it, the subject he teach is boring), liked by students (Or apple-polished? Hm.....), With teaching spirit (I am impressed, even half of his students are not listening.), full with stories in her life (It is a life like storybook, even the size is alike, haha, just kidding.), skillful teaching (Simplify complicated teaching.), doesn't know his/her student writing about him/her in a blog.

As you see, 50% of the teachers personalities created by the students. It is not their fault, well, some of them. Students just over relied on their opinions, not everybody can think out of the box. See what i meant? Some of you could not see cause you missed this part.

There are four pages left, so let me talk about -ism, like i said before, Sexism (That's what i got from Google translate) as in unfairly treating boys and girls, ya, some of the teachers may have such kind of -ism, AS my opinion, some of them make it obviously, is it because we only have 10 guys in our class? They take out the advantage of girls, like in nearly everything, they are better than us. It is annoying if some of these are true. If i am wrong for the -ism, correct me with the cbox.
Primary students stay away from girls were caused by the misunderstand of rumor, but i till secondary school, the situation changed, some of the boys spend some time with the girls, two reasons, approaching the girls or just have the same subject to chat about. Till high school, boys could became girls best friends. All depends in the thoughts.

Second -ism runs around the teenagers, caused by politicians, yes that's right, Racism. The teenagers were misunderstood the concept of races. Each and every races thought they are beyond others. Chinese aren't exception. Here's a conversation between a racist-minded teen (A) and non-racist-minded teen (B). (Using Malays as example, no offense.)

B: What do you think of Malays?
A: Pigs
B: Why?
A: They sucks, they don't eat pig, they call us .......
B: Well, not all of them, i am sure there is exceptions.
A: Are you helping them?
B: No, i am explaining some of them may are kind...
A: Shut up! Traitor.

Okay, the traitor thing was exaggerated. My point is, we can't conclude anything just because we saw some of them have idiotic problems. Like USA, they have racist since Lincoln, but the problem solved since 90s. My teacher introduced us a movie Returning of the Titans, was an example. And now? Obama's a President. Americans solved the problems of the colors. In Malaysia, our color was nearly the same, why addressing each other with pigs? Could it really cause by politicians? Or just because we are talking the different language?

The last doctrine we could found in school is the wall between ordinary students and prefects.

Prefects are the policemen in school, they checks people, they lead people, they are people, but they hated by people. People thinks they are too annoying, too picky, too proud, too nosy. These kind of thinking was thought by troublemaker, ya, only troublemaker gets an eye on him/her. It's like the thief sue the owner that his dog bite his leg. Non-troublemaker have no interest for the prefect. Unless, some of them have a crush on one of the prefects.

Prefects are doing their job, you cause it, they get ya. They may act like the hounds of discipline teacher but that's their duty. By the way, if you were caught for offending the appearance rule, that is your fault, it is a common sense that everybody can't wear ear rings, have a over length personal hairstyle, etc, etc, etc.
After all, prefects are our schoolmates. you can't categories them when ever you like.

If you disagree what i said, you have three ways.
A) You have your opinions, write a comment.
B) You want to chat with me, cbox is your friend.
C) You have no reason, but you just don't like what i said, leave. Haha, seriously leave.

After all those reading, a kind advice: Take a rest before your eyes got blind. Drink a water.

Next week, the short stories starts.

For the comics, here's the front page of chapter 17.
My skilled have regress.


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