Saturday, October 31, 2009

This is It...... Don't misunderstand it.

Seen this title?
I'm sure it doesn't surprises you, cause you probably watched it. Well, but I don't!

Remember 黄亮宏, 黄亮宏 the IT man who is active and don't care somebody else booing for his activeness. Ya... good times, good times.

And he is the one who organizes this whole Class Trip to Cinema, which only 18 participants and other 4 were eyes on the theme park....... Ya, theme park......... The largest indoor theme park in SE Asia.

I, been order to buy those tickets they ordered, it is like ordering food but you use your eyes enjoy it. For my life to cinemas, this is the first time I see the longest tickets in a row, (The limit is nine, so there's no record to break, and this sentence...... was lame.)

Why I'm the ticket buyer? Cause i am the Only ONE who lives in KL. A simple reason, right?

But not everything go smoothly in anything. Remember 林和钧? He canceled out because of the traffic issues.

The schedule was also pretty odd. 亮宏 recommended PLAZA GM to the crowd for the after-movie trip. What's plaza GM? It is a wholesale mall. I went there, and i have to said this, it is like going to hawker center which is right beside the town's best. If you know what am i saying.

'This is it' is the last moment Michael Jackson shown in front of the camera. If you watched it, tell me how is it with the comment box.

There is another 'this is it' for me, well it is not that serious, but it is my last this week! Oh my goodness! It is like stepping from heaven to hell and step back to heaven again and you stepping into hell the second time, and you end up in the human world. This is the process of examination.

My exam started since 28th. It ain't easy nor hard, what it matters is how you learn, (Ya literally, and the truth is how you get the tips. Am i right? Nope? Well, carry on.) and this exam is nothing to with my future. Except for the class classification. Else? Not much.

This one of the oddest page i ever drew. It nearly kill my pen after the inking and it did! That pen died a week later. You might (or not.) wondering what's up with the part of its root? Think about it. Four plants showered with force-to-grow liquid, whooosh!! Grown to four trees and whoosh again! Tangle together and whoosh!! Combined into a gigantic plant. And lifts up a building. Imagine, what will that be if you are on THAT tree. How would you get down?

Okay that's for now, hope you enjoy this comic.

P/s: By the way, the flag of Malaysia might change into 4-5 strips flag, cause they possibly merge the state together in the future, who knows?

Next week, the story could be mess up a little but still gonna present it.

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