Saturday, March 20, 2010

Holidays, mixture of excitations and boredom. It depends,

It has been while, since the last blog been written.
But what can i do, if there's nothing to write, then i don't write. I won't just make some poetics passage to let everyone go through even though i know people wouldn't even scan it.

Last post, i have mentioned that i can't go to my friend's birthday celebration. (I couldn't say it was a party because it wasn't.) Due to the traffic problems. Yet, it was solved since my mom took an early return.

So? Off i go.

After arrival, Wei Tyng welcomed me, along with his cousin, 昭荣, was his name. We've been sitting around playing the PlayStation games and the PC games for whole day long. It's not like we come to his house just because of his video games, we just bored and the only thing stuff he can entertain us is gaming.

When the whole event moved to his parents room, where the computer was installed there, which was installed Defense Of The Ancients. In other words, Dota. The only game that was miraculously still fab for all those years, even 墨香 era was over.

韦霆 & 昭荣 were able to stared at the game for hours, so what can i do? It is troublesome to moved the whole set of PS.
So? Drama time. No no no, it wasn't us who is acting, it is us who is watching. Well, after some discussion which obviously i have no participants on this, they decided (including 韦霆 younger sister.) to watch the well-known Taiwan drama, one the KUSO K.O series

K.O.3anguo. In Chinese, 终极三国.

Ring! Ring! Incoming phone call! Who is it? Oh it just another phone call from one of the birthday boy's friend, which made us "secretly" got downstairs and bugged on the conversation. After half an hour, we came back up with goosebumps.

My ex-classmates, finally opened their eyes for the gathering, at first, everyone thought everyone were dead and lost their activeness. Therefore, 2 person found out the other '07 graduated classes had their gathering, and we don't. Due to the tuition, blah, blah, blah.

They decided to have a gathering this year, which excited everyone since we lost some of their appearance. Thanks to one of my friend who tagged nearly everybody on a photo of t-shirt with our names on it. Everybody got back together. Some typed loudly, "LONG TIME NO SEE!!!", some made someone wanted to punch him in the face with the phrase, "Who is XXX? I forgot already." Some even worse, "W
hat's our teacher's name again?"

To prevent these kinda situation happened again, The 6S (My ex-class's name) Facebook group was created along with the gathering committee. The gathering was a hard decision, since this year is ONE of our nightmares. With all those examinations, the only perfect date was the year end holidays.

During the discussion, some girl who is really "mean", (I forgave the nickname part.) she hinted everybody there's a clubhouse with a pool which is big enough. The fact has been confirmed since my sister's gathering was also held there. And BAM, i awkwardly became the venue organizer under all those agreements. However, without the time and date, i can't do anything.

There's a little outtakes for the events above. One of my friend set up a new topic, letting us to revise about the good memories. Which was weird, because it ended up like this.

A: Friend A,
B: Friend B,
C: Friend C,
D: Me

  1. A wants to recall those INNOCENCE and PRESSURE-LESS memories, so he set a topic about it.
  2. C join in recalling those day are happy because the hw was easy.
  3. D ask, what is hw?
  4. C explain hw is homework, and everybody knows about that.
  5. A & C started to compare the difficulty of their school homeworks, due to the differences of SMK and IS, it was incomparable.
  6. But they still keep it up, from homework to exams, loaded the discussion room. But emptied the whole point.
  7. B kicked in to help C, comparing each school's pass points. In the end, weirdly, D's school's pass point the highers. (Should that be a good news or bad news?)
  8. They started to compare how they don't do revision and still get high marks, which is getting ridiculous.
  9. A & B started to quarrel and argue about it. The word "dog's barking" popped out.
  10. D trying to calm things down, while C don't want to interrupt. (C wasn't wrong, the whole situation is uncontrollable.)
  11. A & B started to act childish when they kept blaming each other and push the "flint" fault to the opponent.
  12. C & D opened a chatbox to chat about those guys.
  13. The whole thing suddenly ends as one of them deleted the whole topic.
  14. A started another new topic which is just simply pointless since they are 15.
Sheesh, just hope those guys knew their lessons. The good news is, they stopped, and it was liked nothing happened.

Holiday was going to end. I feel empty about it, since i didn't participate a motivative camp as some of my friends was forced to.
For some reasons, some people just want to get attention from Facebook, and write out some useless lyrics. Or write out some phrase, making them looked like they were dumped like something. Oh well, i can't call this stupidity because i don't know the truth. So, let it be. Because i ain't the controller.

By the way, today is my sister's 18th birthday,
Happy Birthday, sis!

Make that an end of the post,
☮ out.

1 comment:

Junyuan Loo said...

thank you yuan!

-san jie.