Saturday, April 10, 2010


Cat, in Chinese: 猫; in Malay; Kucing; in French: Chat; in Hindi: Billi; in Korean: Goyang-i; in Japanese: Neko. Binomial named: Felis catus, why the heck am i talking about all this? Let me tell you a story.....

April 7, Wednesday, as usual, me, along with 邱泳铭 and 赵文豪 went to the hostel cafeteria for our "delicious" and "nutritious" breakfast, fried noodles with red bean soup. For our wallet sake, that's why we were there. (Usually, it was Milo/Teh and cakes/breads/buns/tarts/baozi/xiubao. )

Let's get in to the point, a couple of cats came into cafeteria. Since this place a paradise full with wasted food, nobody surprised with their existence, so were we.

For their interaction, the black cat with a bigger size, must be the mother, as for the grayish brown cat, though its sex appeal was unconfirmed, it must be the black cat's kitten. Which is VERY cute.

The felines came to an old wooden shelf with four layer or plank. Which is about 15 cm from the brick fence with iron flower bars, beside it was a table, well it wasn't important.

So, why were they there? Because the mother cat was trying to teach the kitten how to use the rack to jump on the top of the brick fence. With a hop and a skip, it was easy for the mother.

As for the kitten, i can't say it was a coward because everyone is afraid to try new things. It just wouldn't dare to jump even the first layer of the shelf. So the mommy for the top drop to the bottom, and to the top again, up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up just to demonstrate the jumping. So was our eyeballs, 20++ of students saw the whole thing too, like us, they chew the noodle slowly or wait while they're staring at it.

FINALLY, the kitten finally got to the level 3. It took about 10 minutes for its achievement with its mother's help. Next lesson, using the bars as a guide to climb to Level 4. The mommy pushed as the kitten tried to reach another bar with its little paws.

Fail, Fail, Fail, fail, fail, dropped to level 2, back to the ground, forced back up, watching its mom demonstrating, meow.

The mommy cat sighed. Very obviously, it is not like we speak cats. With a meow, okay?

Plan B, a gentle bite on the kitten's neck, the black cat lift its child, climbing all the way to level 4, it is like carrying a 6 years old kid climbing up the ladder, not stairs.

We were shocked and surprised.

Third lesson, jumping from the top of the shelf to the top of the fence. For a little kitten, it might be hard for it as kittens' legs weren't as strong as adult cats'. It was frightened. It crawl back down to level 3 even it wasn't good with it. The mommy cat chased its kitten back to level 4 and let it try again.

Another 10 minutes later. The kitten still can't jump to the top. Its mother can't wait any longer. It bit the child's neck, lift the kitten with its neck muscle, HOP! Jump while we are WA-ing.

First time, dropped for the weight. (This time is carry a bag of rice with your mouth and jump onto a platform 2 meters high. ) Second? of course not. But blacky just won't give up. With full force, the cats stayed at the edge of the fence top, lifted up its right hind leg, reached the edge of the tile, and SUCCESS!

It made it! The "audience" "cheered" silently because it would be awkward when a crowd of guys cheer for a couple of cats.

The "curtain" closed as the kitten were bit off the scene. Till then, we left after staying 20 minutes at the cafeteria.

This isn't a make up fairy tale, it is the real deal, real action of our bare eyes.
We all knew animals have their maternal instinct to protect their child, but, do we knew how the cats acts in front of their daily lives? The mother doesn't give up for getting its own child to learn the skill of climbing. It doesn't care how many times it takes to demonstrate for the kitten.

There you have it, the story about a cat and its kitten. Fin

P/s: I watched the J2z CDs and it was great because we can watch these memories after years and years, if we manage to keep it unharmed. Finally know how the gingerbread girl goes, and ya know, fun to watch.

Okay, times up, see ya next week, with the chapter 20!!!

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