Sunday, April 25, 2010

One post till the last.

Yesterday was our school's annual Mandarin speech competition. Half of the finalist were our classmates, as expected. Other than the 抑扬顿挫, nothing was special actually, the tones were the same, the script were nearly the same, the message they were trying to tell us were simply the same, and the contestant were still no boys, as usual.

In the end, no highlights for the week seriously.

My teacher appointed me to make the wooden store-board (AS in storeroom and cupboard combined into a word.) a piece of stuff that isn't a sore eye. In other words, make it into a mini library. Of course, what could be better than changing it into a library? Actually nothing.

So the whole thing wasn't done, so i hope that i can get the job done.

At the end of next week, two movies were featured in the cinemas.
1.) IP MAN 2
The only thing i can say about this, who was the name translator? It made the guy they are talking a superhero. (Even though he is.) Like a comic book hero. Even KICK-ASS named KICK-ASS and i have no idea why it is rated 18......

2.) IRON MAN 2
Okay, so the names are quite similar, but they are still different. One's a nice guy from the start till the end, another just a genius weapon expert who wears awesome around.

When can i watch these movies? Don't know when but hope so.

They said: Classic Blockbuster always classic at the first movie, but in the second movie, it gets down. I don't know if there is a scientific law about it, but i sure it depends on the script, not the curse.

This is a short post and you knew it, i knew it, he knew it, she knew it, they knew it, we knew it, so make this fullstops an end.

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