Hi guys! glad to know you haven't forget about me. Which of you have been missing me? Huh?
Why am i absent for such a long time? First, you have to thank my Internet applications, you must be asking, why do i need to thank them? Cause they are so sacred that they can read your minds, it's like they are living and they do or connect the Internet by their will. So? It rapidly cut the line, reconnect the line and cut the line again. That's why i am absent for so long. Thanks to my unstable router and my unstable time.

The camp was named
We were not plan to have any life lesson there. (That was secondary purpose.) We were planning to have a classonal fun. That no class has ever been.
My dad came and receive my report card. The result came out quite fine.
After a couple of weeks,.... okay, i don't really remember the dates, so, i use weeks.
Movies I watch:
As for the second one, many books was shown too. The differences between these two exhibition is the first one wrapped their books and the second one didn't. Not to mention the selling time, the second one was longer as it opened till 5. As the results, the second exhibition lost because most of the customers read the books without buying them.
Illustrated with monkeys.
And was hold up by me of course.
You can learn about your personalities with colours.
For examples,
People who like red is active and full of energy, justified, and sometime capricious
People who liked yellow are full with curiousity, they are mostly the core of a team, and idealists, some of them have business heads.
Yup, you can even lose your weight through colours.
Yup, i am so bored that take these pictures.
By the way, remember the old compact camera i once used on most of my pics? Well, it ends up as a juice-out battery camera.
When i mean end, i really do.
Thanks for reading my blog, i really do.
Maybe i'll do a vlog.......Nah! my voice to ugly to hear.
P/s: never put too much oversize photos. It is a pain to reorganized every spacing over and over again.....
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