Sunday, November 7, 2010

Camera, Video, Time, Friends, Scanners.

I brought my dad's ex camera (Lumix something something.) And it turned out i forgot the chargers. My friends admired the camera's shape because it looked like a PROFESSIONAL camera. But actually it wasn't, it's just a compact-multifunction-totally-handy-DSLR-like camera.
So Monday, our school organized a LEG-BASEBALL-game, as a matter a fact, it was called KICKBALL, according to my sister's friend in US.
I used the HIGH SPEED BURST to capture the kicking moment of every participators. (Yes, i knew, it sounded geeky and nerdy.) As in my class, we only have 11 boys, 1 absent, so all that's left is 10. But the game needs 9 boys and 3 girls.
So? Easy method, first get 8 boys as fixed players. (They needed to have sports nerves, good legs, never lose a kick.) As for the rest.... Which meant the last 2, take turns. (So, 4 games, they only get to play 2, each. )
Unfortunately, i am one of the 2, (Because i caused an ALL OUT last year, impression? Dreadful. ) since i got a camera, I'll do the cameraman's work....... as usual.
Twice, i get to play. Twice, giving the camera to 2 different person for save keeping and photo-shooting. Twice, i forgot to tell them it was still HSB mode. Twice, they used it. One accidentally, the other, purposely.
When i play all the photos, which is continuous shooting for 1158 photos, it became a stop motion playback. (Enough with the nerdy talk! That's why you have less than 10 followers! )
Let's add it up. 15 minutes of learning how to do a stop motion video with the only video making software i knew, Window Movie maker. Plus 10 hours of experimenting the methods, including the waiting time and the dissapointing time. Plus 4 hours of redoing it, and half an hour to post it.
How much time did i use up? My exams is over, don't order me to do math.

Friendship, something money can't buy........ Except for Paris Hilton, she got her own show for finding a BFF.

Yet someone argue about having too much time after exam? Yet someone needda decrease the time with friends because of work? Yet someone forgotten to count how much time do we had left till the beginning of the holidays? Yet someone wanna spend most of the time with a box with a glass screen and 104 keys and a thing a cat confused about?

Countdown 13 days including my Singapore trip, till the holidays. Hope you guys treasured it.

Finally a new comic was scanned and it was written by friend. For the "za dou" style black humour, ask him, don't ask me.

P/s:, you really need to improve the photo posting problem....

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