Saturday, December 4, 2010

Class trip in the holidays

Hey guys! Yes, it's been a long time since my last post. I kinda lost my touch on keyboards lately, like the day when a MACBOOK owner tell me be nice to his keys, because i have been tapping it in a very unusual way.... A very hard way. As i was typing the lines above, i do realize that i am tapping a little hard on the space. Must be a habit from my ex-com's keyboard.

Yes, the classics, a centimeter and more of the thickness, a convenience for the typewriters from the 80's. Imagine how they feel when they were forced from using typewriters to keyboards, the force of typing couldn't be change in seconds. So? they built thicker keys to withstand the tapping force.

But now, as the computers got smaller, the phones got smaller, the mouses almost disappeared, not by the cats, but the multi-touch pads. As for the keyboards, they got thinner too! (I even heard there's a kind of projected keyboards, sort of like typing on your table. ) And now, the centuries of touch screen has arrived. It kinda sound nerdy, but we all have to admit it, we are getting more polite on our fingertips.

Where have we gone! But seriously, that's my thoughts.

My active-in-bringing-activeness-to-our-class-friend has finally, FINALLY seriously, finished one of his big plans. YES, sending us to Singapore as final junior year class trip. Every place we've been is different from my primary school's graduation's trip.

Let's see what is in our trip. (I have saw some people posting about their version of this, but i want to make more people know that anything is possible if we don't bow down to the rules and regulations.)

ZOVB, originally named ZORB, don't know why they changed it, but it's Okay. First game in Singapore had brought us surprise and craziness, and that's a good start. It's a cruel thing to do is that leaving our friends keep spinning in the ball while others kept hanging around chatting and taking jumping pictures.

Second, Snow City, a place that truly could frostbite your ears with their under zero degree Celsius of air-conditioning. By using real water-froze snow, we ate a lot of snow during the snowball war, and a lot of teeth grinding during the tubing. But what's a pity is, with such low temperature, none of our cameras can stand it, but NIKON's, which they're using to rob our money with our pictures. Good thing it is not Thailand. (Black magic thing? I just don't know what to trust.)

Next? Except the stinky shoes with melted ice? Ya, a night walk, when cameras don't act perfectly without a professional skills and suitable batteries. Although our trips was killing our feet and the legs, the views is rather out of your mind, not only made us wanna cry, (Well, inside, sniffs....) but also, kept us considering to buy a new memory stick.

As for me, all i have been thinking is: "WHEN DID THEY BUILD THIS????"

Singapore Flyers, not a cheap ride. But the breathtaking views is worth for the 30 Singapore dollars, and the 30 minutes ride. It left a scar on me. I meant literally, i fell on its escalator, with my slippers on.

The second day of the trip is even better. Do you know UNIVERSAL STUDIO? Where ET and Jurassic park were born? They opened a branch theme park there, in Sentosa Island, although it's smaller than the others, (Thank god, my feet can't take much suffer.) It was pretty worth it.

From the sci-fi spinning cup to the pitiful absent of the most awesome roller coaster rider of the whole theme park, to the great mummy ride that cheers us up, to the kinda boring jeep ride, and the soak wet Jurassic Water boat ride that later give us a universal express ticket due to their technical difficulties, (It is a pass like a VIP access, and a thing to show off our queuing friends on the same ride. ) to the Canopy Flyer that let us used the pass, and the Great show in Waterworld with real gunpowder and explosion heat.

4D movies from SHREK and a roller coaster ride on a dragon beside the castle cinema. A party-go-round with KING JURIEN at the MADAGASCAR, and a repeating the rides that we like. A MONSTER ROCK concert, ended the evening and some souvenirs for late night poker.

I ain't a poet, don't expecting me to write something rhyming about the trip.

As the sayings in the CANDYLICIOUS: Save the earth, it is the only planet with chocolate.

Third day in the morning, we checked out the hotel with tons of signatures left behind. A trip to Sentosa Island again for LUGE ride, googled that word to check out what it is. During the night, we went to ORCHARD ROAD, where every shopping complex is like PAVILION in KL, only more. The only thing we are happy to pay is the ice-cream brick in the bread. It is tasty, trust me.

You can check out our photos in Facebook, log on and type J3Z 2o1o to see more details.

Here's something to laugh about. My friend put his passport in my bag for safe keeping, which totally forgets about that later. I simply reached into my bag without feeling the 2nd passport, and take off to the custom without knowing that passport wasn't mine until the worker read the name which wasn't mine.

Panic made everything worst.

Lessons learn: never give or accept a passport to or from a friend for safe keeping. Never tries to panic about that and run around the custom, we don't know the custom, and the custom don't know us, they can shoot us if they wanted to, just in case.

If you are reading this paragraph, give yourself a hand, cause i am exhausted for write such long post. I totally appreciate your effort of reading all this. Unless, you are dragging your scroll too fast, you might get a ticket with that. But don't worry, they are giving discount this month.

And that's the post of the week.
Hope you enjoy it, because i really wish you could.

Thanks again!

PS: Thanks to Trojan, i won't upload any comics lately, but i will consider uploading it to my facebook album, if i can.

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