Monday, January 2, 2012

2012, did they build the noah's ark already?

Time flies like an arrow, as time is a scumbag because every time we are having fun, time goes faster while every time we are being bored, time decelerates.

But strange enough, time accelerated and this bored out holidays is almost over.

However, things around the Internet seems a lot interesting today.

Is it I waste too much time on stuffs that doesn't change much, or I just waste too much time on didn't attempt to find the interesting.

Whatever, at least all those time sitting on a creaky chair that often interrupts my sister's nap and listening to unmotivated musics and watching pointless videos through earpieces with rotted rubber parts which causes unnecessary pain but still a lot better than the ones from Sony Ericsson's are finally over. (Over detailed sentence, completed.)

Back to those time when we get to share daily school life with our friends in person instead of social networks that hides their true faces behind their keyboards and mouses. Somehow the network DO revealed their own personalities through their LIKES and STATUS-es.

But no one can be the successor of Sherlock just by observe through the computer screen. I do understood the feeling of the others whenever someone share their travel albums in countries that are less likely to be affordable. Envy is one of the seven sins, but we can avoid that by ignoring the albums. This made me understand why I don't have too much comments in my traveling albums. (That is, I don't self-portrait photograph myself, I don't own good photos, I ain't good looking and I ain't a good looking girl. [Is that sexism? Not fair to me it seems.] )

Status are almost the same. Then I thought: Posting STATUS isn't suppose to get likes, but to express what we LIKE to say. So, everyone do have their rights to say, we can ignore the trolls that negates our opinions, yet we should appreciate and approve their rights to troll. 'Cause good trolling let us know what mistakes we made in our opinions and status. I am saying this because I trolls too, but in a good way to define the throw, without off-topics and swears. Though I wondered if they never think of me as a troll but another commenter. [In the end, I am a scumbag too, legalizing my own mistakes.]

Today, everyone's been exciting of the school reopening, in their way.
= Me class be on t' fifth floor o' our new school building, we can't use t' lift, me legs will numb.
= I'm terribly sorry but our new discipline teachah is the Mr/Ms, this shall be ah spiffing shoh.
Awww great, our class names gots been changed. ah can't be used ta dat. Our skoo sucks an' copy other skoo every tyme in the hood.
{It is fun to use different English dialects to write. Thanks translators which invented by dudes who had too much free time.}

I am excited too guys.
I am excited about what will happen this year.
What will the levels of my homework be?
What will my student's life changed into?
Will I ever get into a relationship that I might break up and I'll be admiring those single or I'll just stay the same?
Will I starting to fail most of my subjects?
When will the f***king movie project be succeed?
Where will I sit in the class? Will it be changeable?
Who will I sit with? Will I get to choose?
Will the school's societies, activities, competitions, events, and lectures get more interesting than the last year's?
Will the bastards and bitches stop pooping shits around the school? (Students or actual dogs, your choice to believe.)
Will the Earth really ends as the Mayans said right after our SPM and we don't have the time to relax?
How will I die then?
Will it just merely a lie?
Will it never came true?
Will I ever stop asking about the firetrucking future and live my present life with full appreciations?

Yes, I will and I'll try.

[The paragraph below is ignorable. If you're not intent to read anymore, please SKIP TO............]

Suddenly I am a little sick of the website, 9gag. It is a pictures and photos sharing site where everything were supposed to be shared for fun. Now, when memes conquered the site, RAGE COMICS appears too much and it's get disturbing and boring. I'm here trying to sacrifice my soul and time for fun but you gave me
  • Non-stop appreciation of the site.
  • Non-stop same old jokes.
  • Non-stop fixation of jokes.
  • Non-stop complaints about what-so-ever above.
  • A little percentage of true hilarious posts?
You, 9gag, starting to fail people who entrusted the site to you. Yet you are still blind to see the truth and I bet you couldn't even see this complaint because it isn't on FACEBOOK, (That contains user who pirated the posts on 9gag and translated it to earn LIKES. ) TWITTER, nor YouTube. And I rarely have a 9gagger in my friend list.

You forced me to surf DEVIANT-ART which originally one of your sources of success. Which made me felt depressed and disappointed about my drawing while clicking into the pros' galleries.
Yes, I am blaming you, like a typical Malaysia student-age person who contains typical natures like Asians' competitiveness, Blame instead of Change, Follow and Stubborn about others' statuses and opinions and never think about it and etc.(Over detailed sentence again.){I am not mature to discover those but I am sure there's more.}

And I will go through the natures above some day but not now.


Thanks for reading the posts. I might be returning to my lazy states as the school starts. So wish me luck on finding topics to blog about.

My New Year's resolutions......... I will keep it in my heart and not list it out. (Sloth or haven't figure it out, your choice to believe.)

See you next time. (<------ Not sure when. )

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