Friday, December 30, 2011

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CRASTINATION! (It's a long word.)

Without aware, my blog has finally reached 100 posts. But i ain't proud of it because according to common calculations, it supposed to reached 200++ after 4 years.

But, it had ME as the writer. Damn luck for it.

Even my buddy had the same CAMP-posts done before me. And i start it first.

DAY Three

After an early breakfast, (For three days, Three days! I woke up before eight.) we were ordered to copy the Heart Sutra. Like before, we copied it on faded print papers. What's different was that we that get to copy it at our dinning hall, with a better lighting and music, i guess......

Then, we have to memorize it.


Fortunately, our counselor has an idea, which was

The girl who is holding the mic at the right is our assurance.

The idea, though, was a common one, but it is better have a drama or rap it out. (But seriously, there is one girl whose aged 12 can rap it out non-stop in a minute, now that's high level.)

The whole pattern like drama and singing it bored us out after half a hour. Don't blame us, an average human only can concentrate continuously for 20 minutes. (......I think.)

Next event, we had a teamwork mission. The groups were given white cloths with printed images and fonts. All we have to do is paint them.

And everyone of you knew, that I am SUCK at coloring, especially poster paint or water paint. So, i didn't exactly do anything, and my group switch on their seriousness because it actually exist in the real world. They're considerate about painting the lotus from the leaves to the petals. Well, it's not a bad thing. (Yes, i was excluded.)
Everything turned out better than expected. (It's a banner!!!)

(By the way, chubby and the committees had some camera fun during the event.)

I said it before, we are good at being formal. The authorities of the venue is holding a lantern festival during the Chinese New Year. So they have us modeled with emperors and empresses.
The royals and the abbot.

But the photo didn't turn out in the paper, so i decided not to post it.

WHAT'S NEXT? Cleaning time!

From the auditorium hall to the little monk statues, (小沙弥)
We have to clean it all. After all, it is our responsibilities and they sure know where to find free helpers.

Auditorium hall. (Aye, i know they weren't cleaning.)

Bedroom. (They called it 寮房, imagine the wooden part fill with 60 mattresses.)

Toilets cleaning

小沙弥 and me~ (Actually this is a posing photo, i was actually scrubbing the feet.)

There's some touring family around our cleaning corner. (Yes, my group responsible on scrubbing the moss out of the statues.) And they started taking photos of the statues. OR DO THEY? 'Cause i think they included me and the rest of the members in the background, or was i thought too much. Didn't care! Concentrated on work!

Skipped through ALL THE formal stuff!! (Lazy thug!)

Final camp song.

We finally ended the camp with this photo.

All that's left is?
Exchanging E-mail adds. Thanks for the notebook for that!
(Present kids, when you knew a friend, you have him/her as a Facebook friend; when you liked a friend, you have his/her phone number. And the level kept going up till the lover thingy so i preferred skip it.)

The last assembly in the hall. (LE touching speech starts.....)

Typical message. (Translation: Remember to add me!)

It was quite a fun camp. Met new friends, played great games, learned new things and more about my religion.


For Chinese version and more detailed included inner thoughts report, click here. (My bud's blog.)


And for the last time, PS: Photographs from Tham Joon Jern & 啊Weng相馆.

The End

[For the camp.]

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