Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Although the paradise arrived, doesn't mean hell won't appear tomorrow...... Crazy talk, right?

Why did i said that? As for the paradise, our very very long holiday season finally arrived! Three cheers for that! The last week was finally over. What's with the hell? Well, the next year will be one of the examination nightmares, two national exam, within 4 months, or something. Won't ya get what we called "KIXIAO" for that.

Even my sister who is now sitting for SPM said, "you will suffering next years......" (You can add the evil laugh behind if you like.)

Last week, is the last week of my junior 2 in Class Z. A happy week I'll say. My eldest sis "Forced" me to make a Facebook account, just to report everything necessary. In my head at the past, Facebook must be something like Friendster, you share gossip, photos and etc etc.

For memorizing every awkward moment in my class, i brought a camera. I ain't a expert on this so for some of the photos' results, all you can say is BLUR. When i was shooting nearly every detail in my class, i felt like i am 黄亮宏 No.2. Once, we even became the camera duets. He record, i shoot, that's how we works.

And finally, our hard work was paid. We won a 1st prize for the drama competition!! Yeah for us!!
Don't know why, but i think the reason we got it because it is educational, or we are just the best of the worst, just kidding.
We practice our drama within three different days, some of them were natural, but some of acceptable. You know what was unacceptable? One of the members absent. Making me represent all his roles, but never mind. At least he apologized, i think.

The competitions giving out hampers for the winners. We get the bigger ones, of course.
There was one little story after that. One of the competitors was our neighbour class, their drama was about James Bond parody, we all got the laughs and the gags. But they get the 3rd place. Here's the conversation i heard from one of my friend.
A=My friend, B=the someone chatting with my friend.

(Announcer: And the 3rd prize goes to J2.... for their James Bond....)
B= Whoooh! We got the 3rd prize!!!
A= Congratulations!
B= You guys (Referring to our class.) don't stand a chance. (Harmless teasing.)
(Announcer: The moment you all been waiting for, the 1st prize goes to J2Z group B!!) [For some reasons, we got two groups to get on the stage. They were all girls, with the story named Gingerbread girl.]
A= Whoooh! Yeah...... {Turn his sight towards (B) and the others.}
B= (Speechless with the others. I don't think they will boo, they aren't cruel. )

But, for after that week, when i was surfing the Facebook, i found a conversation from one of my friends.
(Every Facebook conversation ain't secret, you wrote something that pokes some one's back, it is a matter of time that it will be discover. When i meant time, i meant in a short period.)
I saw they are comforting themselves. That's good, i admired that. But saying "their group spent a lot of money on the costume, we didn't." ain't the way to comfort yourself ya know!

Just to correct your opinion, the day before the competition, we all agree because it is a script from the 21st century, we can just bring our own clothes.

Even though i still think the words "In our heart, we still the champions." is admirable. But it is a bit weird when the word don't be so greedy appeared. Well, forget that.

That weekend, the computer i usually used broke down. So the blog updating was delayed 'cause most the picture's weren't in my thumb drive but the hard disk in it.

Lately, around this morning, i whoosh through the facebook again, and found some of my friends blogs. They ain't gmail users so blogger wasn't their choice.
These blogs were used as diaries, it is cool to remember the times by watching their post even though i am not mentioned but my other friends. (I saw my name twice only.)

Even in the Internet, couples still act like couples, i think they enjoy watching everybody be their audience.

By the way, did you experience this?
  • You found yourself in the Facebook searching for friends and found out 90% of your classmates had facebook account a long time ago.
  • You found out 60 % of them likes to self shooting with their cellphone, and 20 % use movies' poster and icons as their profile picture, and 10% of them use real photos but instead, their snapped their back but not the face. The rest was etc.....
  • You found your primary schools' classmates changed a lot that some of them un-recognise-able? Completely coffee spraying changing.
  • You sent a request knowing it will show on their email inbox but still no responce?
  • You found facebook was just another online games area for your friends but not you?
And the last one, you are writing a post fulled with words, and you are hungry that you have to end it so you can eat your lunch? (Even know people pay no interest on your post?)

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