Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 7th part 2

Last time on MCAT, i bought a 37 dollar ticket to BTS's Cosmo Theme Park for only one hour, and of course, i will always avoid the haunted house, i hate somebody sneak up from behind and scared my soul out of the shell. In other words, i am scared of sneaky workers. And everyone knows, nobody likes to surf any theme park all alone. So i wasted 10 minutes just to wait the ladies and gentlemen.

Finally, the crowd were done with shocking, and moved to something may cause dizziness but only temporarily. Ooort's Express was one of my longest 10 minutes in my life. Within {n} laps, (I don't think somebody has that kind of time to count the laps, cause you will see stars when you do that.) I have became a living MCAT, i kept saying 'bloggish' words. It is like if i have a sound-recognizing-typing-system, i don't need to update this week post. By the way, i forgot the words i've been saying, all i remember was the air-conditioned air in my mouth.

During, it is very funny that three of the class couples sitting in the same cart. I think they're confirmed couple, six of them. Two of them were sitting right behind me, it is a good news, cause if they sitting in front of me, i would become their light bulbs (电灯泡) ....... think about how would you feel about that.

Time left: half and hour till 4 o'clock.
My OTHER friends got into the theme park. Their first is the Dizzy Izzy, which same as the OE, i rode it a few years ago. I only know it made me sick. So after watching them doing all the squirling and whirling, don't forget the "OUR TEACHER (who is not) IS VERY PRETTY!!!!!", some of them who are id***s suggest they should go for another ride, which pisses me.

I repeated: "I left less than half an hour in this theme park, couldn't one or two of you guys accompanies me to the roller coaster." Come on, though this is a selfish action, but i have the potential. (the height, finally i was tall enough to play every stuff.) At the end, what did i get?


And my legs deceived me! Don't know why, but i am riding with them. My stomach was suppose to vomit until the roller coaster, c'mon i saved space for that!! Stupid legs.

As for the roller coaster, the picture at the left will explain every.......thing.

The End

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