Saturday, May 1, 2010

Came too slow, yet gone too soon......

When you are looking at the title, you must be wondering, what just happened? Lemme give you a hint: It starts with a B, and ends with a Y.

MY BIRTHDAY!!! Which was over since Thursday, ain't i right? When we are waiting for something, it arrives pretty slow, it is because we are too tense on waiting, but yet, after its arrival, without a blink, its over.

429 is a very fast day, though there isn't any special celebration, at least i got the greets and the gifts, and a small card. (Which i think it was made a few minutes before i received..... with remain material...... whatever, at least it got the greets.)

Facebook is such a convenient interactive website, that you don't need and IOU slip for the presents, and you couldn't guess which one of them forgot my birthday and was reminded by Facebook.

OF COURSE i got gifts! A PARKER ball pen, and a box of STABILO fine ink pens wrapped in a form of French bread. (At first i thought they give me a long gift without suspecting it as 2 in 1.)

Middle Advice: Be kind to animal everyday, like wild cats, (NOT the ones from HSM.) they were made of bones and fleshes, not from cement, DO NOT tease them to come towards you and gripped them and threw them like they were just a bunch of rocks. One of my friend is idiotic enought to did this kind of "pranks", now that cat hated humans.

To the idiotic friend: If anyone has a video cam on him/her and capture this, you'll be end up as that stupid guy who filmed his stomping on cat.

Another advice, be aware to anyone who was wearing shoes and kicking the football in a 2.5m x 6m room with three of your friends. Don't stand too close to him, or he will accidentally shoot your "nuts". Why am i saying this? Because i got my "nuts" shot, (No injuries or any unwanted consequences.) and i fall on the ground in pain, as my friends fall on the ground too but with laughters.

Thirdly, do not get distracted during Kemahiran Hidup lessons, cause you might mishold the Torch's vents instead of the handle. Fortunately i didn't cook my thumb although it destroy some of my thumbprint. (Merely a little bit.)
That's three things i wanna say today.

and THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING MY COMIC for 2 years and 4 months.

Although the comic was finish, the blog won't stop updating as long as i have time.
Thanks for watching, i am truely touch by your patients.

P/s: I watched IP MAN 2!! (The name is still bugs me.) Donnie Yen rocks, so was 洪金宝!!! Don't forget the Wing Chun fist!! Now, "dadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadada" isn't the sound of a Machine Gun anymore. Oh Yeah!!

1 comment:

❤Nicolle Tan said...

Hi, Jun Yuan~
This is the first time i visit ur blog~ and
Your blog is amazing~
Your English used in the blog is so accurate~
Like you're writing an essay
but it's interesting enough..
and u seem like teaching us all a lesson lar~
haha =)
nice blog! =D