Saturday, May 15, 2010

If i have a power to control something, i would control the shuttlecock in the Thomas cup.

If every races stand together for Thomas Cup, should our Prime Minister be a badminton player?

This is quite something to think about. Yesterday, Malaysia lost against China in the Thomas Cup right after the Uber Cup by 0-3. Before the game starts, everyone was liked:

- There is no way Malaysia will defeat China.
- I hope Malaysia will defeat China.
- Datuk Lee? Defeat Lin Dan? NO way!
- He trained well, maybe he will, MIRACULOUSLY.
- Do you know Our Discipline teacher went to the course to watch it live?

After two breath taking match, it is 2-0, (Yes, Malaysia was still eating doughnuts.) I left the "Audience Box". (There is a newly set up multimedia room in our hostel. With a Family-size TV with Astro subscribed.) It is difficult to leave the room since it is stuffed with 70++ people who is also anxious of the Cup tournament.

I once heard the comedian 黄子华 once said,

"E=MC², why it is E=MC²? There is a Law of HAILA to prove about it. What's a law of HAILA? " He said in Cantonese, "The law of HAILA meant ‘海嘎姆个啦 Hai-gum-ge-la’ 定律, (是酱的啦!定律) and if you still questioned about it, then there will be another law to expain about it, and it is law of HOU-AH. What is law of HOU-AH? It is not 好啊!It is ‘猴出奇啊?Hou-chut-kei-ah’ 定律. (很出奇啊?)"

It is possible that this sort of law of explanation exist. Sometimes, something need some magical stuff to succeed something to get something. Like yesterday: Sometimes, Malaysia badminton team need miracle to defeat China to get the Thomas Cup we've been waited for 18 years. Why? 海嘎姆个啦! OK, i still don't get. 猴出奇啊?With answer like this, i assured YOU, will end in the ER of some hospital in some city in some country.

Maybe it is the pressure the was too much of Malaysia team, or maybe there is some sort of distance in the strength part, or it just a curse that every time i watch the match, the team i support will lose. (Ya, it is a stupid thought, but it could be if curse exists.)

It is their problem, not mine. What really confused me is, the "Malaysians' China supporters", had been supporting Malaysia all along. Some even said, i realized i was supporting M'sia all along. There is always a phenomena about the next day of an important game. It is that everyone, even students like us, instantly became an analyzer and analyze every move during the game. The smash, the save, the grin, the strip, the muscles, the popping, and the fancy-dressed fans and audience.

I wondered, if we conditionally cooperates as a resident of a country, does that count as a cooperation? Maybe Najib should use a racket to go SATU MALAYSIA.

Forget about Thomas. Yesterday, we went for another outing in the classic version of Seremban. There is nothing new to say about it. I can't take better close-up pictures, it is very warm that day, the candle and the offering candle smoke is difficult to capture and i questioned my battery charger as my camera was out of juice at the end of the day. The photos was not good enough to be post. Forget it.

Speaking of photographing, i angered my friend for posting his picture on web. I was given chance to delete before he "hit" me on the ground. Some people just have to get their face copyrighted? I knew this is my fault so i don't argue about it. But hey, where is the right of a photographer? I learnt my lesson for not simply posting up others photos, even though they look good in the photo to me. What's that call..... 低调?

Many said, IRON MAN 2 was awesome! But there is still some "boo-s" about the second movie. Good or bad? I don't know, cause i haven't watch it. Is it what it matters is the way we look through it? The way of storyline and the way of techno-impressed? Hmm......

My history report teammates wanted me to go for a trip to the Official library for resources since I'm a KL-an. I don't know if this would affect the schedule of the week. OH well, stupid reports have to be done for our sakes, i won't argue about it.

That's all for the week. Thanks for staring this post for so long. Bye!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

On your mark, get set, run!

As you knew, my comic has come to an end and still doesn't have a name, but what does it matter? It maybe called "CRAZY 15" but they weren't crazy enough. It could also be "The Romance of Three Society that wasn't exist in any school of the whole Malaysia." but there is nothing like LIU BEI nor CAO CAO. So, this is an community message for everyone of you, if you wanna create something, don't loose it from the point. Much like some of the comics we're reading.

Before i wrote this, my friend 永铭 just started to be popular for draw a Chinese painting on his palm. To bad he has to wash away the painting because he has to pick up the trash for his duty. This is one of the example of "By Changing something in something, it becomes something new." (Wasn't said by anyone.) He changed the drawing area from Xuan paper to his palm, thus it became a unique mini size work of art. This also proves "A creation wasn't set to be on something, it is set to be anything." Ya, something like that.

Yesterday as everybody in my school knew, was the School's Annual Cross-Town Race. The word annual has different meaning every year. Like this:

>2008: Gain marks for our (color) house
>2009: Gain marks for our report
>2010: Gain marks for our (color) house
>2011 Gain marks for our report
>2012: Gain marks for our (color) house
>2013: Gain marks for our report

And vice versa. But if we don't care the rhythmic sequence above, the real thing about the race is TO TEST OUR PHYSICAL AND MENTAL STRENGTH. Isn't all race were meant to be like this? If you were fainted on the race, that means you are physically weak. IF you gave up in the middle of the race because you are exhausted, that means you are mentally weak. There is a word in every language, GUTS A.K.A 毅力.

The good thing about our school is, no one gives up. Either run or jog or walk or slack or crawl or skip or ski or roll, everybody manage to end the race themselves. It is a good opportunity to us running for once in a while.

How's my race? The whole track was 6 kilometers. Not to far or near. I knew it is not as long as the one in the 广东义山, my friend told me it was 12 kilometers long. But it is hard to ensure everyone come back from the race if the track is too long or to catch the ones who take shortcut. Long tracks need large area, long tracks in small area means more shortcuts. More shortcuts means need more checkpoint. So they is no way to compare. But at least everyone was highly active after the race, which is better than everyday reading.

What's my position? To be exact, there are 8 categories in the race:
  • A1: Form 5 and form 6 boys
  • B1: Form 3 and form 5 boys (I'm here)
  • C1: Form 1 and form 2 boys
  • A2: Form 5 and form 5 girls
  • B2: Form 3 and form 4 girls
  • C2: Form 1 and form 2 girls
  • T1: Male teachers or others
  • T2: Female teachers or others.
I am 30th in the B1 category. (Last year was 100th in C1 category.)Which i was happy for my results. My sporty friends got one digit results, what can i say? They're sporty. I was proud of myself because this year, among the tracks, i ran more than i walked. Unlike last year, i walked more than i ran.

This year, i purposely left my specs in my cupboard. Why? Not only it is troublesome when your sweat is too slippery to it and you have to push it back up, it affects my breathing too, okay, that is not a scientific proves about, but at least i can see. The worst is after the race, it is hard to find the key-women for opening our door since my eyes' "megapixel" were too low. (Has anyone wonders what's a eye-trouble-less person's eye "megapixel"? ) Not to mention the difficulties to watch the performances without specs.

Okay, that's all folks! Before i forget:
Happy Mother's Day! To my mom and all the moms out there.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Came too slow, yet gone too soon......

When you are looking at the title, you must be wondering, what just happened? Lemme give you a hint: It starts with a B, and ends with a Y.

MY BIRTHDAY!!! Which was over since Thursday, ain't i right? When we are waiting for something, it arrives pretty slow, it is because we are too tense on waiting, but yet, after its arrival, without a blink, its over.

429 is a very fast day, though there isn't any special celebration, at least i got the greets and the gifts, and a small card. (Which i think it was made a few minutes before i received..... with remain material...... whatever, at least it got the greets.)

Facebook is such a convenient interactive website, that you don't need and IOU slip for the presents, and you couldn't guess which one of them forgot my birthday and was reminded by Facebook.

OF COURSE i got gifts! A PARKER ball pen, and a box of STABILO fine ink pens wrapped in a form of French bread. (At first i thought they give me a long gift without suspecting it as 2 in 1.)

Middle Advice: Be kind to animal everyday, like wild cats, (NOT the ones from HSM.) they were made of bones and fleshes, not from cement, DO NOT tease them to come towards you and gripped them and threw them like they were just a bunch of rocks. One of my friend is idiotic enought to did this kind of "pranks", now that cat hated humans.

To the idiotic friend: If anyone has a video cam on him/her and capture this, you'll be end up as that stupid guy who filmed his stomping on cat.

Another advice, be aware to anyone who was wearing shoes and kicking the football in a 2.5m x 6m room with three of your friends. Don't stand too close to him, or he will accidentally shoot your "nuts". Why am i saying this? Because i got my "nuts" shot, (No injuries or any unwanted consequences.) and i fall on the ground in pain, as my friends fall on the ground too but with laughters.

Thirdly, do not get distracted during Kemahiran Hidup lessons, cause you might mishold the Torch's vents instead of the handle. Fortunately i didn't cook my thumb although it destroy some of my thumbprint. (Merely a little bit.)
That's three things i wanna say today.

and THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING MY COMIC for 2 years and 4 months.

Although the comic was finish, the blog won't stop updating as long as i have time.
Thanks for watching, i am truely touch by your patients.

P/s: I watched IP MAN 2!! (The name is still bugs me.) Donnie Yen rocks, so was 洪金宝!!! Don't forget the Wing Chun fist!! Now, "dadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadada" isn't the sound of a Machine Gun anymore. Oh Yeah!!