Sunday, May 9, 2010

On your mark, get set, run!

As you knew, my comic has come to an end and still doesn't have a name, but what does it matter? It maybe called "CRAZY 15" but they weren't crazy enough. It could also be "The Romance of Three Society that wasn't exist in any school of the whole Malaysia." but there is nothing like LIU BEI nor CAO CAO. So, this is an community message for everyone of you, if you wanna create something, don't loose it from the point. Much like some of the comics we're reading.

Before i wrote this, my friend 永铭 just started to be popular for draw a Chinese painting on his palm. To bad he has to wash away the painting because he has to pick up the trash for his duty. This is one of the example of "By Changing something in something, it becomes something new." (Wasn't said by anyone.) He changed the drawing area from Xuan paper to his palm, thus it became a unique mini size work of art. This also proves "A creation wasn't set to be on something, it is set to be anything." Ya, something like that.

Yesterday as everybody in my school knew, was the School's Annual Cross-Town Race. The word annual has different meaning every year. Like this:

>2008: Gain marks for our (color) house
>2009: Gain marks for our report
>2010: Gain marks for our (color) house
>2011 Gain marks for our report
>2012: Gain marks for our (color) house
>2013: Gain marks for our report

And vice versa. But if we don't care the rhythmic sequence above, the real thing about the race is TO TEST OUR PHYSICAL AND MENTAL STRENGTH. Isn't all race were meant to be like this? If you were fainted on the race, that means you are physically weak. IF you gave up in the middle of the race because you are exhausted, that means you are mentally weak. There is a word in every language, GUTS A.K.A 毅力.

The good thing about our school is, no one gives up. Either run or jog or walk or slack or crawl or skip or ski or roll, everybody manage to end the race themselves. It is a good opportunity to us running for once in a while.

How's my race? The whole track was 6 kilometers. Not to far or near. I knew it is not as long as the one in the 广东义山, my friend told me it was 12 kilometers long. But it is hard to ensure everyone come back from the race if the track is too long or to catch the ones who take shortcut. Long tracks need large area, long tracks in small area means more shortcuts. More shortcuts means need more checkpoint. So they is no way to compare. But at least everyone was highly active after the race, which is better than everyday reading.

What's my position? To be exact, there are 8 categories in the race:
  • A1: Form 5 and form 6 boys
  • B1: Form 3 and form 5 boys (I'm here)
  • C1: Form 1 and form 2 boys
  • A2: Form 5 and form 5 girls
  • B2: Form 3 and form 4 girls
  • C2: Form 1 and form 2 girls
  • T1: Male teachers or others
  • T2: Female teachers or others.
I am 30th in the B1 category. (Last year was 100th in C1 category.)Which i was happy for my results. My sporty friends got one digit results, what can i say? They're sporty. I was proud of myself because this year, among the tracks, i ran more than i walked. Unlike last year, i walked more than i ran.

This year, i purposely left my specs in my cupboard. Why? Not only it is troublesome when your sweat is too slippery to it and you have to push it back up, it affects my breathing too, okay, that is not a scientific proves about, but at least i can see. The worst is after the race, it is hard to find the key-women for opening our door since my eyes' "megapixel" were too low. (Has anyone wonders what's a eye-trouble-less person's eye "megapixel"? ) Not to mention the difficulties to watch the performances without specs.

Okay, that's all folks! Before i forget:
Happy Mother's Day! To my mom and all the moms out there.


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