Thursday, December 22, 2011

The funny thing about blogging is

You have to be motivated to start 'cause when you started the post, the might wouldn't stop, unless your life was a disastrously bored. (Like mine!)

Day Two

The second day had arrived with the ray of ho......rrible fluorescent light that woke us through our eyelids. Talk about shinning dreams, i thought i was in heaven.

It was 5 in the morning and we were having the morning class, (早课,where the temple's teacher read the Heart Sutra, 般若波罗蜜多心经 with the whole camp members.) right before our breakfast time.

After our group's dish washing chore, (Which chubby stubbornly eager to wash the dishes. Oh my, did the sun rise from the west or what?) we found the groups practicing their slogans.

By the way, OUR (定心组) slogan is:

After that, we received a mission, (Oooooh, Tom Cruise-sy~)

WE, have to pack 1000 packs of 2 sweets per pack packs in 2 hours!!! Well, we are the lucky ones.

The other groups have to finish these in 2 hours:
  1. Get all of the group members to stand on an A3 size newspaper for few seconds. (We have 15~19 members per group.)
  2. Memorize all the THREE CHARACTERS CLASSIC, 三字经。(Google it and see the length.)
  3. Read a box of comics and answer one question. (Sounds easy, but ONE question?)
  4. Roll up 1000 couplets.
  5. Blow off 173 candle fire, all at once. (Unusual number......)
  6. Copy 80 Heart Sutra, by hand. (It ain't easy.)
  7. Fold 1000 paper stars. (Not all people know how to.)
  8. Create a Facebook page and let it get 200 likes in 2 hours. (Like hell! Everyone is still sleeping!)
  9. Rub 1000 tang yuan.
Everybody was like

At the same time, they get our counselors to do the 三拜. (Google it and repeat it for 2 hours.) To save them, we need to finish and complete our tasks/missions. Some of them fainted in the process.

In the end, everyone but the Facebook team completed their tasks. But all the counselors did their 三拜 for fully 2 hours. Even though some of the groups finished their tasks for half an hour ago, but the counselors just couldn't bear to leave their friends, (The other counselors.) TRUE STORY. They expected us to move as a whole camp to complete the missions, but in reality, we didn't, but luckily, we still built up some teamwork.

Right after all of those folding and thinking and liking and packing and rolling and writing and memorizing and rubbing and reading and lighting candles, we headed to the Audio Visual hall for the "Iron Bronze teeth " lessons. Actually, it was a speaking lesson by a news reporters. (He was shocked by the theme too.)

During the lesson, we did some voice casting like they did in the studio of radio stations. Every participants tried their best to give out the best BEGGAR voice. Moreover, they even have a RUNWAY SHOW to test their confidences and body language.

After our lunch, its the part where every camp has: 团康活动. (Can't translate it, seriously.)

What we did during the activity?

Camp sign language learning. (Absolute no Nazism.)

Happy Happy dances led by this guy. (Brought great atmosphere too.)

DIY tank's track from newspaper, led by him too.

Happy Happy dances 2.

Right after all the fun, we went to the audio visual hall AGAIN for movie watching.
And i thought, movie watching....... in here......... must be a boring one related to Buddhism.

I thought wrong, surprisingly.

The movie was

which talks about lots of philosophy, yet easy to understand, coincidentally related to Buddhism.

Forget the PAST, Ignore the FUTURE, Cherish the PRESENT, believe in yourself.

That night, an absolute w-t-firetruck moment just happened. As the luckiest winner of my group in the ROCK PAPER SCISSORS CARD GAME, (I have to admit, i drew my victory, LIKE A BOSS, YU-GI-OH style.) I was chose to test my luck.

Ten types of dinner table with different tableware and dinning ways. And FML, firetruck my luck, i got the MINI-TABLEWARE-SET.

OH man! This ain't enough to feed chubby!

Others have:
  • Normal one. (Lucky them.)
  • Tableware super-glued on the table. (What's the point then????!!!)
  • Spoon replaced by spoon tied on the tip of a 1 meter rod. (Teamwork, switch on.)
  • Dinner on banana leaf and no spoon or anything. (Feel like an Indian.)
  • Dinning blindfolded. (Light bulb~: Switch their bowls with ours secretly.)
  • Chopsticks replaced by drinking straws. (Both of these put......)
  • Chopsticks replaced by broken chopsticks.(......the chopsticks skills to the test.)
  • Buffet trays as bowls. (Holy-cow that's was big!!!)
  • Dinning with your thumbs tied. (That wasn't so hard, oh snap......)
But, who said we only can eat our own meal? Teamwork for food! (I shared a tray of meal with my bud.)

Next event before the sleep, is "BLUE VS GREEN!!!" (Relate nothing with Taiwan.)

  • Search for blues and greens in the room. (I'm wearing blue shirt. Almost forced to take it out before knowing that i can stand in the spot in person.)
  • How good is your associated-imagination. (Imaginations? We're kinda weak at that.)
  • Eyelash competition. (When you have 3 men in the group, the hilarious meter boosted damn high. )
  • Make your phone-pal to speak out the specific sentence. (Pretty much both fail.)
  • Tetris battle!!!(We lost to the high leveled committee.)
  • Ten men walk with 11 feet. (Together!!!)
  • So you think you can dance? (I don't think so.)
The competition ended in peace 'cause it's a tie!

[To be continued......................]

PS: Photographs from
Tham Joon Jern & 啊Weng相馆.

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