Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My arguement is invalid.

Not much to report about my holiday. Yes, my holiday have started for over a month. For all these weeks, i have been doing nothing but LOG IN & LOG OUT OR STAYED LOGGED IN. From Facebook to YouTube to 9gag to {Kamen riders episodes website} to {Comic online}. My butt hasn't really leave the chair for over an hour unless i got to sleep.

I'm just lazy to write or create anything during the holidays. I forced myself to draw some comics because there's some event i am interested. But it all ended needed to be photoshopped. Sometimes i wish Picture or Graphic Editing Software isn't so expensive. Now, i am waiting my friend who has the software to help me with the editing process, which sadly, he is a busy man.

Slugging around for 6 weeks, (Man, i am pathetic.) a sudden Facebook chat appears on my screen.

"Hey, wanna go camp." he said.
"What camp?" I said
"Buddhism youth camp in FO GUANG SHAN DON ZEN TEMPLE of course."
"Like how."
[And all of you who've been in any camp knew the process.]

The venue located a approximated 2 hours trip from my friends. Since we're carpooling, that wasn't seems to be the problem. But the starting time was too early so we decided to stay overnight there, in the temple. (Don't get the idea that we're sleeping with the monks, the camp had prepared the sleeping unit.)

Me and my buddy met two new friends in the camp eve night. A good start in meeting people. But a bad start for my back due to the thin mattress. (At least we are sleeping on wooden platforms. Better temperature.)

The next day, we entered the camp and briefly met some camp-mates. (Not to mention the unforgettable stairs trip: "You have to take a spare set of clothes for the games." "You have to change into our uniforms.")

Our group were determined by lollipops, literally. I was settled in the group which named "定心组".(Stable mind) In the group, we have ordinaries, (People who attend the first time and hardly satisfied.) punks, (People who are ordinaries but acted to mess things up.) chubby, (Only 1, turns out to be the most popular kid in the camp.) silent, (Mostly girls, but they will become very friendly in the end.) Downgrades, (Once a committee but intended to be the participants.) and the counselors. (To break the ice, hammer or fire is needed, they are the hammer and fire.)

The counselors and the committees are a family like every other groups, clubs and societies. According to the first they've showed us, the camp was once a disaster 2 years ago. Till now, they tried to redeem their pride. (Sounds like a comic storyline isn't it?) I'll say, they did their best.

To break the ice between us, they let us understand the manners in the daily life of the Buddhist, through a video and played the wrong ones. Lollipops at the time were like tokens or gems in online games, the group which held the most lollipops wins the best group. We have to answer the correct mistake to get one of those. Everyone was competitive, (One of Malaysia's students' nature, presented.)

The cafeteria was as big as a hall. The do and don't in the cafeteria was strict. No one wants to do anything wrong, the hall was quiet as in the library.

培杰, the singer

The atmosphere was heated up by a singer, not a well-known singer (Because he never went to ASTRO's singing competition, which is a good thing, or he will end up singing GONG XI FA CAI every year.) but has the voice and sense of humor. The event let me forgotten that i am in a Buddhism youth camp, more like a class concert.

After two hours of singing fun, we get to play some station game. The temple is so damn big, half of us exhausted from all the running from one location to another. In the end, our group ended up like this:
lost a tug of war,

chubby won 2 lollipops for drum solo,

almost won a candle carrying race, lost a photographing race, made a love letter out of newspapers,

crawling in mud-pies. The clothes i wore eventually filthy and have unpleasant smell at the end of the camp.

After having a boring Buddhist monk life guides, (Where the sleeping photos were mostly captured.) (Hey, true feelings.) the camp committee announced that we have not enough place to fit 173 members in the bedrooms, so we have to win the best two nights. We were given 4 rock card, 4 paper card, 4 scissors card, that's right, we are playing

"Rock Paper Scissors CARD GAME."
When a person won a game, he earns 1 life sticker, if he lost, he lost 1 life sticker. The card used in the game must be destroyed. Players who gets to remain 3 life stickers on their Ts after all of his cards were destroyed are the winner. Players who don't are the loser while those who used up their life stickers are also losers no matter how many cards are left.

Eventually, i slaughtered my buddy and earned extras from another friends. The cards were used up and i have 7 life stickers. The percentage of winning in the end was a disappointment due the number of life stickers of the whole group.

But the whole thing was a lie.

IT turns out everything was normal, this was just a test for us, and the solution was according to one of the gambling manga i have never heard of: Team up with other group members, keep playing the same card to remain the life stickers from both side. Our selfishness fail the test. Mine too. (Yet, punks still love to be complainers.)

A teacher of the temple gave us a relaxing ZEN mind cleaning lessons, quite interesting and it do have some effects but my feet were numb at the end of the lesson.

[To be continued......................]

PS: Photographs from
Tham Joon Jern & 啊Weng相馆.

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