Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Chapter 8 (1/2) The non-CAKASS people
مرحبا(Arabic), привет(Bulgaria, Russian, Ukrainian), hola(Catalan, Spanish), 你好(Chinese), zdravo(Croatian, Slovenian), ahoj(Czech, Slovak), hej(Danish, Swedish), hallo(Dutch), hello, hei, bonjour(French), γεια σου(Greek), שלום(Hebrew), हैलो(Hindi), ciao(Italian), こんにちは(Japanese), 안녕하세요(Korean), sveiki(Latvia), labas(Lithuanian), witaj(Polish), Olá(Portuguese), salut(Romanian), здраво(Serbian), xin chào(Vietnamese).
This is how you say: "Hello." in almost all the languages in the whole world, if any other languages were absent, it is because the "hello" language is the same or just a vowel was change, making it nothing special. Don't asking anything about the pronunciation, use your whatever dictionary talk-able translatable or other-languages-alphabets-type-able CD or installed software in your computer. Don't ask me nor Google translate.
After all that crazy dizzy non-understandable post. I'll bet some of you never come again. Oh well, gain some lose some.
When you are staring at this, Happy new year! Or HAPPY TWO DAYS AFTER NEW YEAR! But, hey, at least i greet something.
So this time i just want you to sit back relax and enjoy clicking the comics pages, i am not in the mood to do anything. Woo-hoo yourself in front of your computer screen. And here it is the rest of the pages
to be continued.......
Friday, December 26, 2008
Chapter 7 (2/2) The story of 马文山 & DNA part 4
Hey viewers/guys/ladies and gentlemen/computer screen starer/eyeballs roller/mouse clicker/ignorer/new visitor/"Why is he writing so many 'names'?"thinker, WELCOME to my 15th post of the one and only "don't know what he is in the ONE & ONLY list" guy's blog----
(what ever the tittle written, it just a non-sense of naming anyway)
The guy with a stupid specs and an ugly mouth and a unfilled hair is me. The guy who punch and lately re-make up our main character--文山 is also moi (ME in French)
Remember the previous post as the shortest post and the "Forcing someone without time to decode something so-called rev-random formation to let someone who is curious about the facts of the page."?
If you are someone with an detective mind or should i said common sense, i bet you already know what i am talking about. If you don't, i advising you to look for a book, some book called "She were lock in her own little messy storeroom". (laughing while typing)
A code book is an important tool. You will regret without when you scrolled down.
Ever eat a sandwich? Here's a note, the secret code below is in
景 雄 pyloaun: Saereeiandg tuhme mmayrikfs aynod suedcornett aknnd colwuhbos mwetmobseorls. Hve ceatlhliesd opnue ozf hzils aesasnddidsotnatnftos tro "agsestatsoslienaavtee" 文山 tao lceoamd hmiem bnatck two DiNtA haynod fuorrfcre heiem gweit blalcak tno DdNaA tlo psroeyvoeunrt DfNiA fnrgoem drissfqrueaelwiiflilctaotoiookn oaf CyL?U?B.
The key of to decode the code above is to remove the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth,twelfth, etc etc. Don't ignored the removed letters, they will bring out another message too.
There you are, the
1. kcen gnol a sah 雄景
2. nalp 雄景 hguorht ees sah 山文
3. selggog dna sksam ni ecaf rieht gnidih tuoba elur a tes 雄景 ,enog saw 山文 retfA
Read the sentences backwards.
And this time i called it scrambled stuffing.
Nmuebr 40 seicapl tceihuqe: cup ceovr sielhd(杯盖盾)
Nmuebr 70 seicapl tceihuqe: rnaodm sielhd(盾法之就地取材)
Nmuebr 78 seicapl tceihuqe: pkeor crad suhirekn(扑克牌之透支代表)
Unscramble the letters in the words except the first and the last letter.
And this is vowel unrevealed formation:
1. 文山 h_s th_ t_l_nt t_ sh__t c_rds sh_r_k_n _s f_st _s m_ch_n_ g_n.
2. _nd _ls_ h_s _ r_c_rd _f h_m_n thr_w_ng.
Fill in the correct vowels in the blank to find out what am i talking. (Don't those stunts at home.)
Done with vowels, now with crazy over-type:
1. Observe observe the the pose pose of of the the defeat defeat DNA DNA members members..
2. The the brand brand of of the the goggle goggle 文文山山 holding holding is is Ogival Ogival.
3. 景景雄雄 can can senses senses the the killing killing will will of of a a human human.
4. Don't don't try try the the goggle goggle slingshot slingshot eye eye slapping slapping experiment experiment.
Every word is typed doubled. So, "single" them or you will fell strange when reading them.
I officially call this post the most crazy and the "going-to-take-you-a-lot-time"-est post in my my blog ever. Now, the rev-group facts.
1. 坤华 dna 通聪 era gniyalp yloponom.
2. Eht csid saw nekorb nehw 坤华 tis no eht afos hcihw dih eht csid tas
3. Rieht 长楼 si llits eht emas dna saw nekaw tsuj ni emit
Same as rev-random style, but itis only for the word not the whole sentence.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Chapter 7 (1/2) The story of 马文山 & DNA part 4
Okay, you're done counting. Okay, if you got an answer which isn't zero. Congratulation, you failed the "you-are-not-an-I-D-I-O-T" test. Last time i typed the importance of comment for the post. Now i just want you to realize that my sitemeter(See the number thingy below the chatbox? That's the one.) is counting me as a visitor of my blog even i logged in, talk about a ruler that measures everything includes the dust on the thing when measuring the height of the thing.
Anyway!!!! Did you like the data form? And the so-called Rev-Random style of messaging? What? Take you a lot of time to solve it? Let me tell you a tips to save some time, use every homosapien's hidden ability, the sixth sense also known as instinct.
Skateboard lovers, do you recognize those ramps thingy? Well do not ever ask me what are those? What are they for? How where did they find those ramps? Blah blah blah plus yadda yadda.
Let us observe the so-called The ninja battle:
Ladies 'n' gentlemen, i am --(name unrevealable, sometimes, blogger are like superheroes, they don't have superpowers but they still keep their identities as secret till they are famous for offended someone.), and today i' ll be your host for this "what-ever-you-do-dun-try-it-at-home" competition. Let me start from the moment the bell rang.
Our two leaders of the DNA starts their move to get closer. 景雄 use the handrails as "footrails" to slide down like he don't care about he is not wearing any roller skates and 文山 who is at soft land is obviously chose running.
They start attacking, 文山 missed 景雄 with punch. He repays 文山 with an elbow on his waist. 文山 did not give up, he use his left leg to choke 景雄 with a breakdance move.(i do not know what this move called, tell me if you know.) Now 景雄 use their tradition(tie their necktie on their heads) against him, pulling his tie. Cause by the pain, 文山 cannot defense, letting 景雄 draw an "three-leg-pig" on his ranking icon. Embarrassed, 文山 calls for a pay back with his personal move #5--The elbow of the snake.(even know snakes don't have elbow.) Cover the "Oh my...", the only thing i can say is Ouch!
文山 pulls out a few toothpicks and hide it behind his palm ready for tossing. Woo! Two toothpicks and a pencil were tossed and they aren't from文山. 文山 performs the classic of the Matrix, The bullet dodging bending! Too bad for you, 景雄! Another pay back time from 文山, five toothpicks were tossed. Oh my! Perfectly stab on 景雄's tie and stuck him on the ramp.
Now, 景雄 can't move, a chance for 文山's finishers. Too late for you to say "Oh my god", 景雄! A roar and the DNA's ultimate finisher #25——The Chinese Astronomy's Hou Yi shoot the ten sun.(中原天文派之后羿射十日, 后羿, a legendary divine archer who once shot nine suns from making the humans suffers and leave the last one till today. But this time, i meant he shoot the enemy with the sun. haha.) is used for stopping 景雄 from escaping. 文山 twist his leg and made a leap for the part two! The new world's NASA's Armstrong's small steps.(新陆那沙门之阿姆斯特朗的一小步.New world was meant America and NASA is obviously the space department thingy. Neil Armstrong, the first man step on the moon surface, once said: "One small step for man, one big leap for mankind." That means this move is a powerful kick on 景雄's face.) I guess you all know who lost or won.
The battle is ended. Let's end this too.
First, when 景雄's nose bleed, not matter what emotion, he will always be spraying like a two pig's snot shape hose. Then to the point, 景雄 bribed by the CHESS to get revenge on 文山. With the help of bugging device on his tie, 文山 knows everything and includes 景雄 bribed the other members from vote him out of the DNA. So, 文山 quit DNA and creates BUS and 景雄 made a mask from the masked rider ryuki toy mask and also another mask that we used during SARS. From that day, DNA is under 景雄 commands.
To be continued..................(The music which is always played when story gone bad.)....................
P/S: The post tittle wrote part 4 but the comic tittle wrote part 3, because i discounted chapter 4 as one of The story of 马文山 & DNA.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Chapter 6 (2/2) The story of 马文山 & DNA part 3
I was been wondering, how did you think of this chapter? Is it strange? Is it interesting? Is it kinda dumb you off?
I confess that i have no talent write a story, but i am trying to got an interest funny story, but i don't think some of you cares about that. I didn't said i don't like straight to the point like the tradition Malaysia kids comic, just don't like put an obvious moral in it, and i still can't think a way to write an simple meaningful story.
Whats the point of telling you the facts of every page by listing. I don't even you would read every 81 facts. The 5 blahs 6 yaddas is even worse. But i can't think of another formation to introduce the pages, i need someone to think for me.
So, every eyeballs which is staring at your computer screen, this is the importance of the box of comments! Leave some so i can give you a better post.
Let's use the DATA formation:
钟蜚's chess piece container: Selgnirp.
The guy who will involve the knight piece top guy in a mess:thgir eht ta yug eht.
The No. of the 暴飞锅 in DNA secret technique:eno ythgie derdnuh eerht.
Even without all these mess, 钟蜚 choice is:On.
期二斯 means:Sreehc.
The soft they are drinking is:
Parodied name from primary mates-----------
From the lowest rank:
The No. of under sleeve slingshot wristwatch mode(隐袖弹弓表) in DNA special technique:Neetdriht
The total of shot marbles:Evif
The guy who satisfied his appearance for the story and became a list rolled mummy:庭潍叶
The ninja battle(忍战决斗) is thought by:Esruoc ffo, em.
The shortest post ever, besides the first one.
Read the purple words backwards to get the answer.
......................(CISUM SUOIRES).............
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Chapter 6 (1/2) The story of 马文山 & DNA part 2
Greetings! ladies and gentlemen! It seems we have a confused moment of the story,(It is more confusing after this.) so many question, so many people confused and don't even why they confused? Well, even dress like Sherlock Holmes does not help. Right? That guy at the front page of chapter 6 who is still finding what on earth is those weird looking footprint.
Ahhh! Let's see what's on the question list: Why create the CAKASS? What the heck they are doing? What did CAKASS help? Why the former 文山's clubs called him back? Why they want to build their clubhouse outside the school? Who select those coordinate? Why putting the NG version for the last chapter? Why am i asking all these question even know you can't answer it and i can't tell you about it? Oh, shucks! What is the point to ask? Well, let's get to the story.
Should i list it or just blah about it? Hmm.........
i prefer listing. If you have any ideas, show me!
55. The type of the teabag they used is called oolong tea.
56. Their personal length is as far as now, 15m( When i mean the friendship is far, i meant it.)
57. But now their using the GENTLEMAN way to chat.
58. The table they use is from IKEA company.
59. They need to hand over their club's report to their CAKASS Local United Base(CLUB, CAKASS 总部) monthly.
60. Look at page 63, you may know why 文山 yelled: "What!".
61. The different between the members total, the lost secret files total and the words the club's head said.(The proud for 文山, shame for 景雄.)
62. We can see how bad it is to let 景雄 lead the DNA.
63. And 文山 is still cares about his former club.
64. After the blahs, we may see what happened in the past.
65. After the SHOT was invented, every students chose their own clubhouse, like 文山 chose the plank factory for DNA and the dumped double decker for BUS.
66. That megaphone is made of rolled paper.
67. This is how the DNA tradition--
68. The reason 景雄 became the vice president of DNA because he lost the classification challenge to 文山's proud technique-- The Ultimate stick stabbing.
69. The secret of winning a high ranking in the DNA is-- You have be tall and have long hands, know the technique of The heavenly spinning fingers, secret darts techniques, a special sensitive body and also a smelly socks with a little fan.
70. The ranking of the members is classify by the icons under the eyes.(I created this by copying the Naruto's whiskers on his face.)
71. The list of ranking:
one star-A black dot.
two stars-A droopy mark for the eyes.
four stars-Octopus legs.
five stars-A rounded edge version of the Chinese character "中".
six stars-A opposite version of the three stars icon.
seven stars-A icon that looks like "VIV"
eight stars-A wave icon.
nine stars-A Chinese character "小" without a little hook.
72. It is 景雄 job to draw those icons.
73. The marks won't come of unless wash with hot water.
74. There is an arrow on the word "箭" (which means arrow.).
75. Three big news for CAKASS three month after it forms:
a) 邱常剑 replaced 陆炜汉 as the head of CLUB.
b) The girls in school got the power to form a CAKASS.
c) 黄孙音 was hidden in one of the clubs.
76. DNA used tin can as emergency alarm.
77. The thing which blocked the flying chess pieces is a wok.
78. There is a knight chess piece on the top of the member of the CHESS who using a megaphone.
79. 文山 hardly remembers all his members' name because DNA has too much population in it.
80. The chess on his cap guy thought ninja don't do physical attacks.
81. The guy who use his tie to cover his right eye named 翁钟蜚 which is a parodied name of my primary classmate 翁忠飞.
To be continued...............(Whatever music.)........
Monday, December 15, 2008
Chapter 5 (2/2) The story of 马文山 & DNA part 2
Hey, guys. Great to see you even if i don't. Well, look what i done to the tittle, (I wonder did you see the different?) change the flavor from lame old chapter blah part blah to chapter blah (blah/blah) The blah blah blah blah part blah.
Any blah, sorry, way! 41 visitor since this post is start typing, and i wonder this visitor counting counted me as 1 of you even when i signed in, confused. Some of them, no! Most of them is my sisters, and my friend,(Who is ignoring me by not tell he surfed here.) and also no offense but i could pronounce your name just don't know who you are, but it makes me think you are familiar, and some who can't come here but because of some reasonable reason, he rather do the other stuff, well, i don't blame him. So, There you have it, my little facts about this page tourist.
Now, let's get back to the comic,(I don't why wouldn't comment the last post. Tell me if you see this. Of course, when you have time.)
32. In my school's hostel, the head of the hostel is called 房长 or 舍长, (which is 舍长 higher than 房长.) but theirs are called 楼长 who control the whole floor.
33. The future CHESS president(duh! he is holding chess pieces.) named 叶顺勇 which is a parodied named of my primary classmate who is named 叶孙咏.
34. The guy who just made a cup of coffee and ignored by the crowd is 文山.
35. You can guess whose card are these without knowing the names at the edge of the the card.
36. All the presidents original forms is only shown when they're 14 years old.
37. You can see the different clearly of 文山's before and after.
38. The guy who wrote 模型 on his card was 陆炜汉 which was a parodied of my primary classmates(again) who is named 吕韦翰.
39. The "4pm" is made of rock.
40. 炜汉 is using a model binoculars because his thought it was cheaper.
41. I am proud of the tree i drew but not that bird on it.
42. I wrote something wrong in one of the 常剑's balloon and so does 炜汉's. (See that 午觉, i didn't wrote the 午 but 牛.)
43. 炜汉: I don't who drilled that hole but it sure is helpful for me.
44. Their school's 90th anniversary was held 89 days after this day.
45. The hanging light bulb is actually a circuit version of the "eureka" bulb.
46. Good thing that bulb was cheap.
47. 炜汉 is the vice president of the life skill society and also the president of MODELS club.
48. This blueprint is the blueprint of the crossbow of chapter 1 page 9.
49. This thingy is made of hanger, plank, broken umbrella, a reel, bicycle inner tube, a water pipe, and a trigger device.
50. The rope-sliding thingy wasn't made from a bended iron bar from page 9 but made of u-shape iron(or magnet), bicycle handles, awfully many stripes of sticky tapes and Tupperware bottle stable device.
51. Which is all found in the dump.
52. The only person who is listen to 炜汉's calculations is obviously the future BOOKS president 陈家韦华( Still can't type out the "suppose-to-be-stick-together-blue-word")
53. The digital watch is in stopwatch mode.
54. They used 30:30:61 to finish the crossbow thingy.
55. It is named SHOT.(Special Hanger spring "Otomatic" Tire "tyre" shoot escaper.)
To be continued....................(Random but the sad music. ).........................
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Chapter 5 (1/2) The story of 马文山 & DNA part 2
As you see, last time, the story is going to the climax this time, but still, not yet. Let me just ask you something. Do you feel something strange about the cape? Do you feel that some difficult question's answer is always C most of the time? Well if your school's exam paper doesn't like that, well mine does, i felt it's a pity by not choosing that answer sometime after the test. Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you have common sense like a normal person, you must be think that i have a question to ask you.
Well you aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee WRONG! The question above was just an expression of me. I merely want to know if you have the same answer as me. But i was gonna ask you a question, but i think you already know the answer is C, so there is nothing to be surprise. If you still don't know about that, tell me the reason, perhaps i can understand.
Ok, enough chit-chatting, more talking on the story. Let use the listing version, shall we? I believe some of you doesn't have anytime to read all of it since some of you have limited time. Let's start:
1. 华坤 nearly kill that fly. (Can't you see that?)
2. 聪通 is eating a bowl of noodle with a pair of Japanese chopstick.
3. Like 聪通 said, 文山 is one of the creators of the DNA we talked about then.
4. I misspelled the word 双节棍, it suppose to be 节 not 载, i think i thought it is 截, See, nearly the same.
5. 孟景雄 answer the call before he tell everybody go to the right side, don't mess it up.
6. What I said did not came true because it is still in sequence, twelve page per chapter.
7. No one in the club cares about the words 文山 said which is, "If the DNA is finding me then play this tape to every members." But seems they insist to burn this video into CDs, so only 华坤 is watching it the old fashion way.
8. This video is filmed in the clubhouse of BUS.
9. Actually the fact about the 文山 is wearing a mask, is just a excuse for messed up the color black and white.
10. The deoxyribonucleic acid model belongs to 聪通. (It is not a hard guess.)
11. The club which named DNA is stands for Dark Ninja Association.
12. That is me beside 文山, i am the only one in the comic will filled hair color.
13. There is something dripping in the nose, did you see it?
14. 文山 doesn't wear a tie-headband a year ago.
15. 文山 is reading a comic, can you what is the name of it? Tips: He love ninja thingy.
16. He love to eat his lunch besides the drain, even know it is stink.
17. 文山 is good by using the wooden stick as a dart.
18. Here is the NG version of the scene, it is also revealed the wooden stick stabbing was did by a worker. And seems that worker whose responsible about this has personal problem with the actor.
19. I'm the director, yay me!
20. I love to keep teasing the NG version i made.
21. This is what 景雄 looks like without goggles.
22. Because of chewing, 景雄 thought 文山 said 麻 when he said 马.
23. The hostel students is having self-serving dinner in the hostel cafeteria which we don't have in anywhere.
24. The name "校园间谍" is made up.
25. The standing guy named 邱常剑, who has became the president of SPORT a year later.
26.The name is made by parodying my primary classmate 丘长健's name.
27. ''校园间谍'' actor's name was parody of the famous star whose named 林宇中, 周星驰 and 梁朝伟.
28. The 14 years old BOOKS future president named 陈家韦华 ( I can't type the green word.) , which is a parodied name from my primary classmate who named 陈嘉炜.
29. The noodle eating guy is the future president of the COMICS. The name 鲁竣元 is a parodied name of the guy who typed all this.
30. Even i thought 常剑's idea is stupid.
31. The framed has been spoiled by merely an index finger.
To be continued.................(No special music.).......................
Friday, December 12, 2008
Chapter 4 part 2 (Same as last one)
Last part:
华坤 knock 孙音 out, he got a secret file from 3 of the clubs, he was shocked by what he saw. At the same time, 文山 bought a soy milk(cost him RM1.30) after won a card game.
Hello!!!! Fellas!!! A warm welcome from me to you in MY INKED PAGE!!! Ten exclamation marks already!(Now is eleven....)
Well, What did feel about last part? A) It is weird. B) It is interesting. C) All I see is twenty letters and five words, blah blah blah blah blah...... Choose one and read the result below.
RESULT: A) That's OK, i can take it.
B) What ever you say, it is not working.
C) Cool! I was thinking the same thing.
ANYWAY! Let us continue the 5 blahs....... shall we?
If you a quick reader, you should know the one who try to assassinate a student will immediately expelled from the school and sent to reformatory if it is in the real world. So, don't try this at school. Thank goodness 文山 is a quick thinking person, he dodged the pin(If he is hit, then no story!), and a rarely screen is perform, The Cut Pouring Liquid. Finding the source of the pin, he found a shadow on the top floor of the building.(I draw a circle around it softly to show you before you get your glasses to find it.)
So, there you go, 文山 zoomed off to catch, and he is not doing it with bare hand. Watch close to the janitor on the top of the page, you will find out what is it later.
A shot of "Ready-to-jump-unclean-shoes", and he is up to 27 feet high, wait! It is 810 centimeter! Impossible! Well, the secret revealed, it seems the twins of 戚 is trying to do something with a trampoline, and 文山 used it to took a high jump. This jump made that man in black we talked about it before thought 文山 could fly without like superman.(He will totally understand how he flies later.) Hey! Wait, is 文山 really punch him? NO!!!! Let's see what really happened.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the answer of last question and the "why the answer related to the janitor?" question. Yupe! It is a toilet plunger! (Yuck! Nasty!) While the man in black tried to free himself from the toilet plunger, 文山 did a flip and a nice landing.(What is his mark for the landing, care to judge?) The next move, which is for his one dollar and thirty cent soy milk, he swung that mystery guy and the nasty plunger pop off his face, letting him land on his back. (For the mysterious look, that strange guy have to be black until next page.) Ouch!
Strange machine which is named "black sucker(吸黑机)" is shown and i don't you need to what is it for, do you? The thing which been suck is actually just a exaggerated part, and it is from Spiderman 3.( Did you watched it? If you don't, you wouldn't know what the heck is that.) New temporary character revealed, whose named 龙己炜.( A name change from my primary schoolmate 龙籍伟.)Forced by 文山, (By pulling his necktie "headband") he told the mastermind behind this "assassination". And whoala! 文山 former ninja weapons have revealed:
1. The seven star darts(七星镖)
2. Powder fan form smoke device(电风催泪爽身粉)
3. Smoke egg(催泪蛋)
4. Foundation car( 粉底车)
5. Onion spray(洋葱剂)
6. Skipping rope slingshot launcher(跳绳发射弹弓)
Dong!!!!!!!!! A 20 kilograms hammer hit me!(Which obviously only in the comic) It was 文山 's father, denying me letting his son use this kind of dart, which he said it was dangerous. So, i change the arsenals.(Not that kind of arsenal! Football fans!) Only the darts of course, let's see how.
a) first star dart will be a pointy pencil. b) second star dart will be jointed knifes. c) third star dart will be glued sewing needles. d) fourth star dart will be glued sharpener blades. e) fifth star dart will be a bunch of key.(using centrifugal force.) f) sixth star dart will be hexagonal glued triangle ruler. g) zero star dart will be useless CD.
How to know what's the weapon's level? Count the pointy edge and you well know how. After a few hours, 文山 was prepared to go somewhere. The somewhere is where 文山's former clubs DNA take place.
The old plank factory, clubhouse of DNA. Still, 文山 forgot to use his hand to open the door, instead, he use his foot, causing one of the DNA 's member crushed by the door. By announcing their name, we know the goggle guy named 孟景雄.( A name changed from my classmate who named 彭敬竑 which has a 竑 with a radical 丝 not 立, my computer can't type it out.)
To be continued................(serious music)..........
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Chapter 4 part 1 (Background story teller version)
Well prepare to be patient! Cause this time, the story will be last for 3 chapter. And this time our main character of the month is ...........(drum roll)...................................... Mr.马文山, not 方文山 the lyricist, if you ever heard of it.
You know, this page aren't draw at the same time as the other page, it is drew later than the chapter, because this is an replacement of the the first page no. 37. Why is it a replacement? Cause i lost the first one, that's why.
Before you read the chapter, let's know the character.
My name is 马文山, height 174 cm, weight 53 kg. Love anything about ninjas and skilled almost everything (except those holographic tricks) about ninjas. Aiming accuracy is 99.9 percent, weapons throwing accuracy is also 99.9 percent. Not only that, my favorites is eat fish balls in a stick and also soy milk in the caferteria which is cheap. Former disqualified society president. president also boss of the Buster Ultra Society, aka BUS. Favorite past time, driving those prefect insane.
At the city i didn't revealed, the school rung but somebody still running along the hallway, as somebody is playing or just because he is late for class. Look! A man in black is running, 华坤 is running; the man in black is holding a pin,华坤 is holding a baseball(Man he loves baseball that much?). Mr. teacher whose name is still haven't revealed checking if someone absent. Thinking why 华坤 who is a hostel student haven't arrive. Counting down the seconds till the real class starting time, 3, 2, 1.................BANG, Ouch! Looks like someone have to learn how to open the door with his hand, and always check if the teacher's face is in facing the door. But i don't think 华坤 cares, cause he arrives right on time.
华坤 wonders where his teacher gone, but with the help of his classmates, he knew the answer.
Because of 华坤 mighty kick, his teacher got a toothache, nose bleeding, tummy ache, etc, etc. Their teacher was suppose to go to the hospital by ambulance but instead sent to the school st. john room. Well, without teacher to teach, they seems to operating operation self-studying. But someone mistaken (or maybe in purpose) some student to throw with the items like, sock, wig, paper plane, shoe, wallet, pencil, and even a false teeth, yuck!
A ring shocked the preying lizard and its prey, 华坤 is cooling himself with one of his favorite drink, Ice-Le-Mon-Tea(冰柠檬茶) right after school. Suddenly he saw the vice president of the Super Powerful Original Racing Team Society(SPORTS) who suppose to be training right now. Few jiffy later, he realize that 孙音 (the double agent) is going towards the SPORTS V.P. Quickly take out one of 聪通 's invention, the brainwave listening device gun form(Made by an earphone, a touch, a bowl and a antenna to receive satellite translated signal and an improved brain wave receiver toy gun.) to read 孙音's mind.
Knowing that 孙音 is selling three club's secret to get cash again. Effect by 文山's attitude, which 华坤 is afraid of, he is going to let 孙音 faces the "justice" in him. Ignoring the problems about today's school violence, 华坤 use the lion spirit he has in him and weapon he has now, secret movement was used, like the phrase we said in Chinese, punching knuckle and kicking foot(Random translate for 拳打脚踢), the belt whip, the shoe form nunchakus (you can do it yourself by tie the shoelaces together.).
After the finisher, the Tin Can Toss (Hooking yourself with a beg on a telephone pole and just toss anything like a tin can towards your target.) to let 孙音 fell the 16th tooth(half of his teeth, he would never start his modeling career.). 华坤 pick up the file full of club's secrets when 孙音's souls tried to say: "I' m half of his soul(我是半条命). " Using the technique of montage, these two just made the sound of sneezing(Achoo! 啊嚏). After winning a duel monster game( The one which once a hottest game in Asia, YU-GI-OH游戏王),a 1.30 ringgit soy milk was bought by 文山.
To be continued.................(violin ending)...............