Saturday, December 20, 2008

Chapter 7 (1/2) The story of 马文山 & DNA part 4

Hi, guys, if you are watching this, i request you to use your mouse and click on the little blue color bar which with we called it the scroll, or click on a roller wheel on the mouse which i am not sure what is it called and move your cursor(the little arrow allow you to click anything in this screen if it is clickable.) down and count the total comment of last 4 posts.

Okay, you're done counting. Okay, if you got an answer which isn't zero. Congratulation, you failed the "you-are-not-an-I-D-I-O-T" test. Last time i typed the importance of comment for the post. Now i just want you to realize that my sitemeter(See the number thingy below the chatbox? That's the one.) is counting me as a visitor of my blog even i logged in, talk about a ruler that measures everything includes the dust on the thing when measuring the height of the thing.

Anyway!!!! Did you like the data form? And the so-called Rev-Random style of messaging? What? Take you a lot of time to solve it? Let me tell you a tips to save some time, use every homosapien's hidden ability, the sixth sense also known as instinct.

Skateboard lovers, do you recognize those ramps thingy? Well do not ever ask me what are those? What are they for? How where did they find those ramps? Blah blah blah plus yadda yadda.

Let us observe the so-called The ninja battle:
Ladies 'n' gentlemen, i am --(name unrevealable, sometimes, blogger are like superheroes, they don't have superpowers but they still keep their identities as secret till they are famous for offended someone.), and today i' ll be your host for this "what-ever-you-do-dun-try-it-at-home" competition. Let me start from the moment the bell rang.

Our two leaders of the DNA starts their move to get closer. 景雄 use the handrails as "footrails" to slide down like he don't care about he is not wearing any roller skates and 文山 who is at soft land is obviously chose running.

They start attacking, 文山 missed 景雄 with punch. He repays 文山 with an elbow on his waist. 文山 did not give up, he use his left leg to choke 景雄 with a breakdance move.(i do not know what this move called, tell me if you know.) Now 景雄 use their tradition(tie their necktie on their heads) against him, pulling his tie. Cause by the pain, 文山 cannot defense, letting 景雄 draw an "three-leg-pig" on his ranking icon. Embarrassed, 文山 calls for a pay back with his personal move #5--The elbow of the snake.(even know snakes don't have elbow.) Cover the "Oh my...", the only thing i can say is Ouch!

文山 pulls out a few toothpicks and hide it behind his palm ready for tossing. Woo! Two toothpicks and a pencil were tossed and they aren't from文山. 文山 performs the classic of the Matrix, The bullet dodging bending! Too bad for you, 景雄! Another pay back time from 文山, five toothpicks were tossed. Oh my! Perfectly stab on 景雄's tie and stuck him on the ramp.

Now, 景雄 can't move, a chance for 文山's finishers. Too late for you to say "Oh my god", 景雄! A roar and the DNA's ultimate finisher #25——The Chinese Astronomy's Hou Yi shoot the ten sun.(中原天文派之后羿射十日, 后羿, a legendary divine archer who once shot nine suns from making the humans suffers and leave the last one till today. But this time, i meant he shoot the enemy with the sun. haha.) is used for stopping 景雄 from escaping. 文山 twist his leg and made a leap for the part two! The new world's NASA's Armstrong's small steps.(新陆那沙门之阿姆斯特朗的一小步.New world was meant America and NASA is obviously the space department thingy. Neil Armstrong, the first man step on the moon surface, once said: "One small step for man, one big leap for mankind." That means this move is a powerful kick on 景雄's face.) I guess you all know who lost or won.

The battle is ended. Let's end this too.
First, when 景雄's nose bleed, not matter what emotion, he will always be spraying like a two pig's snot shape hose. Then to the point, 景雄 bribed by the CHESS to get revenge on 文山. With the help of bugging device on his tie, 文山 knows everything and includes 景雄 bribed the other members from vote him out of the DNA. So, 文山 quit DNA and creates BUS and 景雄 made a mask from the masked rider ryuki toy mask and also another mask that we used during SARS. From that day, DNA is under 景雄 commands.

To be continued..................(The music which is always played when story gone bad.)....................

P/S: The post tittle wrote part 4 but the comic tittle wrote part 3, because i discounted chapter 4 as one of The story of 马文山 & DNA.

1 comment:

C to the J said...

your last post is quite violence. ouch!