Hey, guys. Great to see you even if i don't. Well, look what i done to the tittle, (I wonder did you see the different?) change the flavor from lame old chapter blah part blah to chapter blah (blah/blah) The blah blah blah blah part blah.
Any blah, sorry, way! 41 visitor since this post is start typing, and i wonder this visitor counting counted me as 1 of you even when i signed in, confused. Some of them, no! Most of them is my sisters, and my friend,(Who is ignoring me by not tell he surfed here.) and also no offense but i could pronounce your name just don't know who you are, but it makes me think you are familiar, and some who can't come here but because of some reasonable reason, he rather do the other stuff, well, i don't blame him. So, There you have it, my little facts about this page tourist.
Now, let's get back to the comic,(I don't why wouldn't comment the last post. Tell me if you see this. Of course, when you have time.)
32. In my school's hostel, the head of the hostel is called 房长 or 舍长, (which is 舍长 higher than 房长.) but theirs are called 楼长 who control the whole floor.
33. The future CHESS president(duh! he is holding chess pieces.) named 叶顺勇 which is a parodied named of my primary classmate who is named 叶孙咏.
34. The guy who just made a cup of coffee and ignored by the crowd is 文山.

36. All the presidents original forms is only shown when they're 14 years old.
37. You can see the different clearly of 文山's before and after.
38. The guy who wrote 模型 on his card was 陆炜汉 which was a parodied of my primary classmates(again) who is named 吕韦翰.

39. The "4pm" is made of rock.
40. 炜汉 is using a model binoculars because his thought it was cheaper.
41. I am proud of the tree i drew but not that bird on it.
42. I wrote something wrong in one of the 常剑's balloon and so does 炜汉's. (See that 午觉, i

43. 炜汉: I don't who drilled that hole but it sure is helpful for me.
44. Their school's 90th anniversary was held 89 days after this day.
45. The hanging light bulb is actually a circuit version of the "eureka" bulb.
46. Good thing that bulb was cheap.

47. 炜汉 is the vice president of the life skill society and also the president of MODELS club.
48. This blueprint is the blueprint of the crossbow of chapter 1 page 9.
49. This thingy is made of hanger, plank, broken umbrella, a reel, bicycle inner tube, a water pipe, and a trigger device.
50. The rope-sliding thingy wasn't made from a bended iron bar from page 9 but made of u-shape iron(or magnet), bicycle handles, awfully many stripes of sticky tapes and Tupperware bottle stable device.
51. Which is all found in the dump.

52. The only person who is listen to 炜汉's calculations is obviously the future BOOKS president 陈家韦华( Still can't type out the "suppose-to-be-stick-together-blue-word")
53. The digital watch is in stopwatch mode.
54. They used 30:30:61 to finish the crossbow thingy.
55. It is named SHOT.(Special Hanger spring "Otomatic" Tire "tyre" shoot escaper.)
To be continued....................(Random but the sad music. ).........................
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