Monday, December 8, 2008

Chapter 3 Part 1

Hi there, miss me? I know, i know, i absent for 2 days. Hey, the comics don't draw themselves you know. Well, it seems like nobody cares, no emails say about this, no comments say about this, wait a minute, which part of "introduce someone to this blog" you don't understand? Fine, anyway, This chapter is a mission chapter, see our main character who is full of gadgets on his "HE-FORGOT-TO-IRON-HIS-JACKET" jacket. Looks like his going on a hard way to enter his clubs a.k.a secret society(CAKASS) -- buster ultra society(BUS).

You see, last post i didn't list the facts as 123456789101112131415161718.....blah blah blah etc etc. So, it became a summary more than facts. Oh well, who cares. You? Not me!

Well look at that! A house that took me an hour to sketch, draw, ink, erase those sketch before draw and ink it. Isn't it splendid? And you know what? I never draw it again! This house is so hard to repeat it. This reason making this picture's originals worth something, but is not for sale, it is cheap, and i think no one wants to buy it.

You know, for years of try to draw a comics, the hardest part about my characters is the females, no offense but it is very risk when drawing them. It look simple for the professional to draw females, but to me, it is very risky to draw females with ink pens. One mistake may cause a girl become a boy. So that is why the guys who seen my previous comics, they will know the percentage of females in the comics characters.
The smudge of the face of the girl is cause the misplace of next page's last frame.

Why i chose diary as her secrets files secret hiding place? Why not? It is common that girls hide their inner darkest secrets in their best non-living-book-friend diary. If you are not, then never mind, this is not really commons for today humans habitats anymore; if you have, then say i' m not suit for a job about FEMALOGY subjects. hehehe, still the saying, no offense.
You know what? This light pen is the only gadget i didn't draw it on last chapter last page.


Naruto_ninja said...

i've seen it like a million times

Junyuan Loo said...

Just for the Naruto_ninja:
if you want a good blog from me, give some serious comments! Please! You were begged.