Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chapter 6 (2/2) The story of 马文山 & DNA part 3

I was been wondering, how did you think of this chapter? Is it strange? Is it interesting? Is it kinda dumb you off?

I confess that i have no talent write a story, but i am trying to got an interest funny story, but i don't think some of you cares about that. I didn't said i don't like straight to the point like the tradition Malaysia kids comic, just don't like put an obvious moral in it, and i still can't think a way to write an simple meaningful story.

Whats the point of telling you the facts of every page by listing. I don't even you would read every 81 facts. The 5 blahs 6 yaddas is even worse. But i can't think of another formation to introduce the pages, i need someone to think for me.

So, every eyeballs which is staring at your computer screen, this is the importance of the box of comments! Leave some so i can give you a better post.

Let's use the DATA formation:
钟蜚's chess piece container: Selgnirp.
The guy who will involve the knight piece top guy in a mess:thgir eht ta yug eht.
The No. of the 暴飞锅 in DNA secret technique:eno ythgie derdnuh eerht.
Even without all these mess, 钟蜚 choice is:On.
期二斯 means:Sreehc.

The soft they are drinking is:
Parodied name from primary mates-----------
From the lowest rank:

The No. of under sleeve slingshot wristwatch mode(隐袖弹弓表) in DNA special technique:Neetdriht
The total of shot marbles:Evif

The guy who satisfied his appearance for the story and became a list rolled mummy:
The ninja battle(忍战决斗) is thought by:Esruoc ffo, em.

The shortest post ever, besides the first one.
Read the purple words backwards to get the answer.

......................(CISUM SUOIRES).............

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